Water Wings Week Begins

YHC couldn’t have asked for a more glorious morning to Water Wings Week than what God blessed us with this morning. Water falling from the sky pretty much the whole morning to keep the sweat at bay.

We moseyed to the usual warm-up parking lot for some SSH, Merkins, Calf stretches and Good Mornings. Next, Mosey to the far parking lot to find a rock. We setup in the parking circle for the thang.

The Thang 10 Rock Your Bodies IC Run to the shelter 10 Dips IC 10 Irkins IC 10 Dirkins IC Run back around the circle to your rock Repeato 4 times

Lunge walk with rock over your head back to the rock pile

Run toward entrance stopping for 15 Plank Jacks IC at the top of the hill, back down the hill for 15 SSH IC, run to COT parking lot.

Mary Now this is where the fun began 10 Merkins on YHC Biner: 25 American Hammers Smokey: 15 Freddie Mercuries Parker: 15 Superman Thumbs up Callahan: 15 Hello Dolly (what’s up girl!) Ma Bell: 12 Merkins 3 count down, 1 count up

YHC chest and shoulders are shot. Parker and Ma Bell were begging for more. They’re animals!


COT 15 PAX. 14 + 1 Bruiser (Hello Kitty, I think you’re ready…)

Announcements: 11/10 Triple Down. Bond Park 11/11 Veterans Day 5K Run and Ruck. www.vetsvictorylap.itsyourrace.com Promo code: VALOR18 will get you $5 off entry.

Prayers: Frisco’s mom Ma Bell’s co-worker Sooey’s back is better

Its been 2 years since starting F3. Thank you Grease Monkey and Earhart (the original from Charlotte ;) for introducing me to this amazing group of HIMs. I’d put the men of Carpex up against any other group out there. Thanks for challenging each other to be better everyday.  Let’s make it a great week!

See also