Watch Out For The Dog Jogger

3.5 mile EC run with YHC, Hermes, Build-A-Bear and Largemouth.

No FNGs, but I meet Titanic and Daisy (as in the B.B. gun)

Rolling Stone was supposed to make an appearance, but when we started there was no Bartman to be found. Later in the workout, a strange and mysterious light kept appearing on the bridge. Some thought it was a walker, or a biker, others a runner, still others a dog jogger. Alas it was Bartman. He proceeded to repeatedly ruck his way through the middle of the workout #literally. It wasn’t until the sun started coming up that I even realized it was him.


No reason to go anywhere quite yet, and we have a lot to get to, so we just circled up right there at the flag for: Good Mornings, Windmill, Imperial Walkers, Arm Circles.

The Thang

We Mosey to the bottom of “Switch Back Hill” (TM) on the other side of the bridge. We perform 5 reps of an exercise, then run to the top of SBH, repeat the original exercise and add 10 reps of a new exercise. We continue this pattern until we finish, run out of time, or the PAX dies. Which ever comes first. Here are the exercise we completed.

Burpees x5 Merkins x10 LBC x15 Carolina Dry Docks x20 Sumo Squats x25 American Hammer x30 Hallelujah x35 One Leg Table Dips x40 (20x L/R) Overhead Clap x45 Mountain Climber x50

We ran out of time, so instead of running to the bottom of SBH and repeating all of the exercises we just added the last two.

SSH x55 Plank Hold x60 seconds

Mosey back to the flag. No time for Mary.


A quiet group this morning.

YHC took us out with a quote from author Greg Evans

I do not have superior intelligence or faultless looks. I do not captivate a room or run a mile under six minutes. I only succeeded because I was still working after everyone else went to sleep. Whenever you see a successful person you only see the public glories, never the private sacrifices to reach them. 


See also