Watch out for roots! This is Danger Zone.

Did everyone bring a headlight? Close enough.
“Why did Coxswain say to bring headlight when he doesn’t have one on himself?” Que lights clipped onto my waist band like I’m Data in Goonies!

Warm Up:

Merkins (Yes, we started with merkins!)
Imperial Walkers
Good Mornings
Side Straddle Hop
more Merkins and then we’re off running


Cross the street, not at a crosswalk, but there weren’t any cars coming so it was safe!
Pearls on a string through the poorly paved greenway from Nowell over to Evans.
1st stop was Star Jumps, then mosey and check on Jigglypuff who tripped and fell. Hadn’t even gotten on the dark greenway yet!
2nd stop was crab cakes
Hermes proceeded to making sure everyone could hear him saying that we needed to keep our voices down when we’re so close to houses. Burt was loud as usual.
3rd - plank hold for six and then wide arm merkins
4th - Parking lot behind some office buildings that I knew was there. Lunge walk to first median and bear crawl to the next one. Karaoke one direction to first median and the other way to the next one then back to the greenway.
Before the next complete stop we did Al Gore (since we were surrounded by trees) Squat hold for the six before Hermes brought up Atlas, so then we held the world above our heads in the squat hold.
5th - Lined up along Evans Road sidewalk for some Monkey Humpers
6th - We got to the entrance to Peoria and laid down on the sidewalk for some Low Slow Flutter kicks as Press-On and Burt continued on complaining about how much we were running.
Today, PO didn’t stand for Press-On. Burt said it stood for Pissed F*ing Off!
7th - Press-On asked for directions back to the flag as the rest of the PAX started our spelling workouts with Alternating Shoulder Taps
8th - Bonnie Blair’s
9th - Burt Jacks at the entrance to the Swedish Consulate, but Burt didn’t join us for these.
10th - Alabama Ass Kickers since nobody else could do it this year in football.

Then we headed back to the flag to finish with 10 merkins with 10 seconds to spare!

Announcements: Need volunteers for blood drive tomorrow

Great coffeeteria to follow! Thanks again to Coney for the coffee.

See also