Was Now - Insomnia

F3 Cary/Apex f3-caryapex@googlegroups.com Date: Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 9:02 PM Yep! New job started today. Definitely a good move! You may or may not want to join me for EC haha, I’m starting at 5am (maybe 5:05) and getting in 4 miles, then will meet back at SnS to mingle until y’all go warm up. Should be…fun?

On February 13th 2017 Callahan got a new job which would make it impossible for him to post to Shakin Not Stirred.  He decided he would come out for an “EC Run” at 0500 instead, run 4 miles, then mingle with the Pax of SNS before the 0545 start.

On February 15th 2017 3 pax set out on what would soon be known as Insomnia.  A sort of half-breed EC / AO.

On November 15th 2017 20, yes you heard, TWENTY.  TWO.  ZERO.  Posted for a new loop we’re calling the #PrestonLoop.

Was it the weather?  Was it FOMO?  Was it because we were doing something new for the first time in 9 months?  Was it because Franklin couldn’t sleep?  I don’t know but it sure was awesome.

When you have an idea and people say, “Hey man, #FreedToLead."  Do us all a favor and lead it. Because your little extra credit run could one day become a pretty solid source and strength for someone that needs a little more 1st F or 2nd F or 3rd F.


The Preston Loop on Strava Flyby

See also