Walk to Bethlehem Food Donations

As a reminder, the primary purpose of Walk to Bethlehem was to spur us on to donate food for Backpack Buddies, which helps families in need to provide meals for their kids. If it meant that we logged a few extra miles in December, that’s a bonus. They have specifically requested the following items if possible:

Canned vegetables (normal size, not giant) Individual single- serving boxed milk Canned fruit (normal size, not giant) Canned tuna Canned ravioli/spaghettio’s with meat (normal size)

If you are participating, please consider donating 8 of one of these items, even if you didn’t complete the challenge. If you are donating the milk cases, then feel free to only get a few as I suspect these are more costly than a can of ravioli, etc. Obviously, giving more than 8 is great!

Even if you didn’t sign up, food donations are encouraged.

I would like to have all food by January 1 so feel free to bring your donations during the week after Christmas and I am asking site Q’s to accept it during that time if I am not at the AO.