Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Tube Man

It was a surprisingly, yet welcome, coolish morning as 25 super-studs gathered up at Apex Nature Park. YHC was making my way around the PAX for the customary hand-shakes, fish bumps and, in today’s case, one FNG disclaimer. Glancing at the watch, it was 05:44:45. Let’s get after it. No time for 1 minute warning. Let’s get to work! First exercise is…


Salute merkins x 15 IC facing the shovel flag.

Jog to the cul-de-sac at the end of the parking lot and circle up.

  • Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Tube Men x [I don’t know how many because nobody was counting, only laughing] In Cadence-ish
  • Say Hey Willies x 10 IC
  • Forward Lunges x 5 IC
  • Reverse Lunges x 5 IC

The Thang

Count off into 4s and follow me to the bottom of the hill. 1s line up on the line (which is a shadow) and AYG to the top. You should have plenty of energy since we just started. Followed in intervals by the 2s, 3s, and 4s. At the top we did a set of Burpee Busters. I don’t know if that’s an official name or not, but that’s what the gentlemen from some Churham backblast from which I lifted much of this workout, so we’ll go with it:

  • Standard Burpee x 6 OYO
  • Jump Knee Tuck Burpee x 6 OYO
  • Hand Release Burpee x 6 OYO
  • Ski Ab Burpee x 6 OYO
  • Prison Cell Merkin Burpee x 6 OYO

Get in 2 lines for a double applesauce Indian Run to the back parking lo…oh wait, basketball court. I forgot about the basketball court. Audible! Turn in here. Odds (yes, precious, that’s 1s and 3s) on the fence for BTTW, evens run a suicide. Flapjack. Next, odds on the fence for People’s Chair while evens sprint the length of the court and back twice. Flapjack.

Back in your lines and resume the Indian Run to the back parking lot. Once there, spread out for the LBC Pyramid (5, 10, 15, 20, 15, 10, 5 with 5 sec counts in between).

Jog over to the amphitheater shelter for some Drills

Level 1 Drills 4 Merkins + 8 Mountain Climbers x 8 sets OYO Recover with Dips x 10 IC + Sir Fazio Arm Circles Forward x 10 IC

Level 2 Drills 8 Merkins + 16 MCs x 4 sets OYO Recover with Irkins x 10 IC + Sir Fazio Arm Circles Reverse x 10 IC

Level 3 Drills 16 Merkins + 32 MCs x 2 sets OYO Recover with Dips x 10 IC +10 O/H Claps x 10 IC

Jog over to and around the pond and to the bridge. Reverse lunge walk until I’m tired then resume regular jog up the hill and over to the shovel flag. Mysteriously (or was it shoddy placement?) the shovel flag was on the ground. 10 penalty burpees - unless you circled back to pick up the 6. Mary consisted of Flutter Kicks x 10 IC. And that was all we had time for.


Count-a-rama: 25, including 1 FNG Name-a-rama: 4 RESPECTS and 21 Mehs. Welcome to Handkerchief Announcements: Labor Day convergence at Bond Park at 0700 (no A-Team or Kryptonite; 9/11 stair-climb at Carter-Finley at 0530 (no A-Team but, Kryptonite still open); new AO at Ritter Park on Friday, 9/1 at 0545 (DZ and DP will remain open) Prayers: Swag’s father-in-law and his M; a few more - but we prayed for them all!


  • The abrupt start led some - ok, Franklin - to wonder if Ma Bell was angry. Ma Bell doesn’t get angry. That’s reserved for Shut-In and Goose.
  • Speaking of Shut-In, where was he? Fartsacking (one word)?
  • You’ll see the Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Tube Man again. #signaturemove  If nothing else, it made you laugh. Admit it.
  • Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Tube Man is also fun to say, although not so fun to type
  • I give half credit for the Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Tube Man idea to Angry Elf
  • It was my honor once again to lead and hang out with a group of men who are better than me. Thanks for being there and working hard!

See also