Viva la revolucion!

14 was the magic number in Carpex on Friday, and that’s how many PAX turned out at Danger Zone to end the work week.

We started with a couple of laps around the pickle (what’s with all the running?) - then circled up for a quick warm-up including SSH, merkins, mountain climbers, imperial walkers and, since you can’t have a great day without them, good mornings.

Another 3/4 lap around the pickle to the basketball court, and circle up. Together we’d be doing 500 reps. Each round, a PAX member would call the number of reps for that round, then we’d do a lap around the pickle. Each round would consist of:

  • Squats
  • Merkins
  • Flutter kicks (4ct IC)
  • Plank jacks

We did five rounds, with counts of 27, 23, 17, 16, and 16. Everyone got a chance to lead. We ran the pickle. Repeatedly. What’s with all the running?

The five rounds took us to a total of 400 reps, and YHC announced that the last 100 reps would be.. burpees. We did two sets of 10, and then the PAX revolted by calling not only numbers, but non-burpee exercises. Y’all can just do the other 60 we missed as homework. We finished out our 500 and ran the pickle (what’s with all the running?) back to the flag.

Quick round of Mary with Freddie Mercury and Pamela Anderson, an unlikely couple if I’ve ever heard of one. Thanks, FranklinTN Bartman!

See also