Virgin Wolverines Hunting Sloths on a Track in South Merka

The path to Q’dom had to start somewhere, for Tubeless it started at Wolverine.

12 brave PAX showed up to attack the time change, put a hurting on Monday, and celebrate YHC’s VQ. Things were off to a great start as  Jiggly Puff made his return to the gloom after having his 2.2 Gus. All PAX were stoked to see him. Welcome back Jiggly Puff!

Speaking of PAX, YHC was stoked to see 12 PAX post for the Tubeless VQ.  I thought for sure that we would only see 4 or 5, especially after having surrendered an hour to Mother Nature the day before. Great showing thanks Gents.

On to the VQ.  YHC had it all planned out, warm ups, a new exercise, high intensity Intervals at the track, pickle run pull-ups, and an easy Mary. The plan was in place, it was time to execute.


Well the plan was in place, however there was an unexpected hole. It had been awhile since YHC had eaten Count Chocula, or watched Sesame Street with his kids. What does this mean, you say? That’s right, YHC could not figure out how to count let alone start the warmup. Fortunately Hi-Liter, a seasoned Q was there to help remind YHC how to count. Did I mention he also gave a friendly reminder on what the difference between a good morning and windmill were. Thanks Hi-Liter. Once we got the little things sorted out it was on to a new exercise, the South Merkin aka.. the Sloth Merkin. Think Merkin, but slow, really slow, painfully slow.

Mosey to the Middle School Parking Lot.

10 Windmills

20 Side Straddle Hops

10 Good Mornings

5 Sloth Merkins


Thang #1

Next we made our way over to the track, I could tell the PAX were uncertain of what was to come. A Virgin Q who could not count, leading them to a track in the dark. By all counts a recipe for success.

Fast forward to Thang 1, it was tough and did not let up. It was a HIIT. 3 Laps of the track stopping 4 times each lap to do Sloth Merkins, alternating between jogging and sprinting. By the end the PAX were feeling the beatdown and Banjo was about to become angry.

Mosey to the Track

3 laps ( Alternating Jog/Sprints Sloth Merkins every quarter of the track).

Total of 65 Sloth Merkins

Thang #2

Once we finished Thang 1, the PAX anticipated something easy. This was not the case. There were grumbles and groans when the crew heard what was next. 3 more laps, but instead of Sloth Merkins at the stops we were doing 5 burpees and 10 star jumps.  YHC felt great, the job was being done. Banjo, well he was not feeling great and let his feelings for YHC’s beatdown be known with a four letter word starting with a D that means not a nice guy.  Attitudes changed though when YHC looked at the clock and realized we were behind. Disco Duck chattered that this was the one time where over promising and under delivering actually worked.

2 Laps ( Alternating Jog/Sprints 5 Burpees 10 Star Jumps every Quarter of the Track)

Thang #3

This was it we were almost there. The Q was almost Complete an Indian Run back to the AO with Sprints to the front. The run back to the A.O. was uneventful aside from a Butterscotch splashdown off of Davis Drive. As the grumbles subsided, we wrapped things up with partner pickle run’s and pull ups.

Partner Pickle Run / pull ups.  2 sets of each.


We had seconds for Mary and considering the beatdown have a nice day was the perfect way to wrap. Thanks for an awesome VQ.

Have a Nice Day


Count-o-Rama: 12

Name-o-rama: Cant recall

Praises / Prayers: Prayers for Jiggly Puff’s wife. Prayers for Disco Duck’s M. Prayers for Hi-Liter’s Dad. Prayers for Moped’s Nuptials.


Biner smiled today

See also