Viewing Downtown

Another great Tuesday night beatdown in the books! YHC and Cauliflower were there early, so we took a little run down DTC to get loosened up. Along the way we met up with Captain Kirk on his bike and had him join us! After the warm up run we all made it back to the start where we welcomed back Freebird! So with the four of us it was soon time to start. Everyone had been there long enough to know the mission and disclaimer, so we recited the pledge of Allegiance and we were off and running back down the Downtown strip!


  • Good Morning
  • SSH
  • Windmills
  • Seal Claps
  • Mtn. Climbers
  • Calf Stretches

Thang 1: Four Simultaneous Exercises

At the Post Office one pax ran a lap around the building and did 10 Squats on the backside. 2nd pax did Merkins, 3rd pax did Leg Levers, and 4th pax did Supermans. The pax rotated when the first one completed the lap. We kept rotating till each pax had completed each exercise. After that, Repeato!

Thang 2: 7’s

We did this routine on the long entry way at the church. 6 Burpees on one end and 1 Star Jump on the other. When finished, Indian Run back to our favorite grassy area.

Thang 3: 4 Points

Within the pocket park, 3 pax held chilcut while one did 5 Pullups, rotate through till all have completed the pullups. Move to first wall, do Dips. Continue to the little fountain and do Monkey Humpers. Last wall we would do Box Jumps.


  • LBCs
  • Peter Parkers
  • WWII
  • Box Cutters
  • Black Widow Knee Slides
  • 100s



Backyard Ultra, Duck Donut Dash, and Respect week all coming up.


Banjo’s daughter, YHC’s shoulder, and a couple others that can not remember at this time.

Cauliflower took us out!

See also