Variety is the Spice of Life

4 (3 runners and a rucker) showed up at BO for the #meowmile. We picked up 3 more at the halfway point where Hello Kitty subjected us all to HIS 55 fantasy football penalty merkins on the way back. Wait, did I just type that? Merkins are a bonus, a pleasure, a treasure, dare I say a gift from God. After the completion of the #meowmile, we gathered up at the flag for the traditional “swapping of the shirts” for #TTT


18 were off for the Ma Bell beatdown, while 2 took off on a Rolling Stone ruck adventure promising to converge at 0630

YHC: OK everyone, Hello Kitty has to do 55 merkins. Starting position mo… Kitty: We already did the 55 merkins on the #meowmile YHC: Shut up, no we didn’t. Those were warm-ups, bruh. Told you not to shoot your merkin wad. Starting position move. On my down x 55

Jog to the new fountain across from the library and circle up to continue our Warm-up

  • 20 x SSH
  • 20 x Sir Fazio Arm Circles
  • 10 x Calf Stretches
  • 10 x Squats

Now for The Thang

Mosey over to the bottom of the hill behind the fountain for a set of progressive BLIMPS. Run up the hill for 5 burpees, back down, back up for 5 burpees and 10 lunge jumps, back down, back up for 5 burpees, 10 lunge jumps, 15 imperial walkers, etc. On the last trip up the hill, you should do the full set of BLIMPS (5 burpees, 10 lunge jumps, 15 imperial walkers, 20 merkins, 25 plank jacks, and 30 squats). Then pick up the 6 and do the last set again.

Mosey to Cary Elementary the Arts Center for dips, irkins, and rail plank crawls. You had to be there.

Jog down to the back parking lot. We were already split into 4s. Each group bear crawl to the designated island, call a set of 10 [insert Mary exercise], jog back and do 5 burpees. Repeato x 3, rotating counter-clockwise to the next island. Indian Run back to the Waldo St. crosswalk, line up in your 4 waves, and Billy Run to the flag. Circle up for a limited Mary

  • 10 x Box Cutters
  • 10 x Homer-to-Marge


Count-a-rama: 20 HIM Name-a-rama (3 hates, 4 RESPECTS, 13 mehs) Announcements: Odyssey 10/7, Brier Creek triple down on 10/14, Christmas Party on 12/14 at BB at 6:00 pm Prayers/Praises: Edward, Jackson, Mississippi, his sister, and his Dad, F3 BOM: YHC took us out


  • It was good to see Sputnik’s return to the crime of the century where Chanticleer broke his wrist. Bad Chanticleer!
  • Welcome Mississippi back from Leadership School. Aye!
  • Kitty, don’t challenge YHC with yo’ merkin nonsense (#merkinonsense) on Twitter. It will not end well for you.
  • Merkin count, including Kitty’s warm-up meowkins and an extra round of BLIMPS = 190. Meh. If you count the merkin in the burpees, then the total is 225. Better.
  • There were some irkins in front of Cary Elementary the Arts Center but it was kind of OYO so I didn’t count those.
  • One day, I swear I will figure out how to get 500 merkins in a workout. May have to be at Phoenix. Where. Is. That. Q. Sheet?
  • Earhart said he liked the variety of the workout. I shall endeavor to incorporate more variety going forward. Ma Bell always appreciates feedback. Whether he chooses to act on it is a different story.
  • Why am I talking about myself in the 3rd person?
  • Half, next time you want to whine about the grass being wet, don’t be next to Ma Bell.
  • Wait, there I go again with the 3rd person thing.
  • It was honor to lead men willing to work. YOU make YHC better.

See also