Vanilla with a side of Beige

17 gathered at Point Break for Day 3 of Carpex Q School. Since Captain Jack covered virtually everything needed yesterday, and with a very similar crowd today, I focused on a little review as well as some explanation of how to plan and execute a very vanilla bootcamp. Shocked to see a solo Beige Bro in attendance (is there a rift brewing?)

¼ mile mosey to a safe place for some warm-up exercises, including SSH, GM, IW and Plankjacks

Head off to a new location for each of the following

Thang 1 – three rounds Irkins, Derkins and Dips with a recovery lap between each

Thang 2 – 7’s on a hill with Jump Squats and Jump Squats

Thang 3 -  four corners of core with Hammers, Supermans, LBCs and Freddie Mercs

Mary – Merkin circle up to a 100 (not exactly Mary, but we had just knocked out core for Thang 3)

Announcements included all of the remaining CCM events

Prayers and Praises – none articulated

COT ended with YHC reading Teddy Roosevelt quote from Hello Kitty response to Q Source question of how you should handle critics. Thank you Squatter for the inspiration.


Honored to lead a Q School, even though I was nervous with Franklin and Hermes there to audit the performance.

Kudos to the SLT for coming up with this idea to enhance Carpex Culture Month

Crazy to have 17 guys in attendance and at least ½ of them new to F3 this year

Be wary of Yoga Mat invitations for a slow 2-mile EC. Breezy was complaining that 8 minute pace doesn’t fit the definition

Get a copy of Freed to Lead if you haven’t read it

Subscribe to Q Source for thought providing questions

Does anyone know the answer to the origin of Mary for the standard end of workout focus on core?

See also