Vanilla String of Pearls 7/13/18

YHC is nearing the mid-point of the July Tour De Carpex and saw a Q opening back where it all began at The Premier North Cary Friday AO.  After staying up all night with the Boys at Flacco’s 2nd F, 24 got up with the Men to workout.  Chhanticleer and Largemouth got in a 4.something EC run (note that both were not seen at Flacco’s the night before).  I’m confident Term Paper would have been on time, but that HIM stepped up to pick up Capt. Kirk from Star Wars.

The Thang: - 5:45: Follow me, run up Norwell to a parking lot, circle up for the standard Shut-In workout. - Run down Norwell, cross Weston Parkway under safety Qs High-liter and Biner’s guidance.  Run up the steps at the parking lot to do some work on the top deck under a nice Carpex Sunrise, audible, the gates locked, go back down to the basement and do a set of 5’s at the big set of steps - Burpees at the top and Burpees at the bottom. - Run out of the parking deck to a gravel path that YHC was confident would lead us to the trail at Crabtree Lake, thanks to Pierogi, we found it.  Follow Pierogi down the trail, lunge walk across the wooden bridge to the greenway for some LBC’s while Burt keeps a look out for walkers. - Run down the greenway, bear crawl the bridge over Black Creek, run up the stairs to the basketball court.  Stopping along the way for some more LBCs and some squats. - BTTW at the basketball court. - Happy Birthday Loom! (thanks for the reminder Butterscotch), Loom lead us in some Birthday Mary! Yes, we were a hair late, but it’s Summer Saban so its fine.

COT - 24 with some meh’s, respects and a hate or 2. - Several prayer requests for family members with health concerns.  Flip Flop’s family with the passing of his grandfather earlier this week. - Term Paper provided some insight to what F3 means to him.  Thanks for your leadership brother!

NMS - Apparently Cheesesteak has been doing F3 for 6 years, however he only posts about twice a year. - Good to see Viking, Puck, Bogo, Coxswain, Coney and a couple others that I don’t usually get to see on my side of town. - Hey did yall see Ma Bell at the MidSummerF3st last night!!! yea me neither.  Sabre was there though! - Tried to stay a little more Vanilla today, I was worn out on themory from the Pivot’s Oregon Trail yesterday. - Workout today was definitely inspired by some of Ollie’s previous DZ qs.

See also