Vanilla or Spicy?

That was the question leading into this Q. Was this going to a plain vanilla standard bootcamp or will I think of something spicy to throw at the Pax. Let’s wait to answer this at the end.

FNG was present so standard disclaimer given to also include social distancing and avoidance of fist bumps. And we’re off.

Mosey up the hill and over to the basketball court for warmups. Also included the first 5 reps of Jack Webb.

Run to top of other parking lot and partner up. Partner 1 did inch worm burpees from one side of parking lot to the other where they met their partner doing iron mikes. Flip flop. This was repeated for 2 rounds. Mosey to pavilion. Partner one did wall squats while partner 2 did 20 merkins. Flip flop. Continue this with 20 dips, to 15 merkins and 15 dips while partner did balls to the wall. Circle up around pickle now. Lateral squats around pickle, then reverse course. Mosey back to basketball court to finish reps 6-10 of Jack Webb. Mosey to flag for 10 mins of Mary.

See also