Vanilla on the rocks, with a splash of mist

Six men gathered in the purest of A-Team conditions: raining and 50 and a closed gate.  Those of you who frequent A-Team know of what I say.  Apex Cheddar Bo (since we now have an official Carpex Cheddar Bo) rarely shows up by 0545, and certainly not when God graces this earth with a cleansing rain. And man, that seems to happen about 3 out of every 4 A-Teams.  With YHC’s knees aching from last week’s wind-sprint-o-rama at BH (courtesy of YHC’s ego), and with bone-on-bone Billy, a nice, leisurely pace was set for the warm-up.  Some mumble chatter about some kind of Saturday sportsball broke out, causing a break out of burpees mid-run.  Thus ended that mumble chatter (good game guys, but see Wofford).  Circling up in the pickle, the somewhat soaked PAX engaged in some nice SSH, GM, MC, IW, before a little vanilla on the rocks:

15 rock curls > lap > 15 rock presses > lap > 15 rock tricep extensions > lap > 15 rock rows > lap.

10 rock curls > lap > 10 rock presses > lap > 10 rock tricep extensions > lap > 10 rock rows > lap.

5 rockees > 5 rock curls > lap > 5 rockees > 5 rock presses > lap > 5 rockees > 5 rock tricep extensions > lap > 5 rockees > 5 rock rows.

The PAX then engaged in a nice mosey to the hill for a Hill Billy Run.  To close it out, YHC led the PAX in a walking devotion back to the shovel flag.  Let the rain wash away the troubles of last week, and share with the PAX what you plan to do this week to be a better man.

Good times, fellas.  SYITG.  YHC out.

See also