"Vanilla" Cold as Ice Workout

When the Q sheet was empty for Point Break on Tuesday, I looked at the forecast for Wednesday morning at 5 am and saw that it was going to be a balmy 29 degrees. I was sold on the Q. But what to do at Point Break, so many options. My only option was to run, run and run some more to keep warm. So that is what we did. Pretty “vanilla” workout for Carpex standards. Here’s the very short story.


-No FNG’s, so Pledge of Allegiance was recited and were on our way with a quick mosey.

-Up to Whole Foods we jogged. Good Mornings, Hillbillies and Merkins were the quick warmup. Time to get moving.

Thang of the Day

-Ran the circle around Waverly Place stopping every third of a mile for a set of 25 merkins at the first stop, 25 low slow flutters at the second stop and 25 squats at the third stop. We made I think 4 loops, stopping for at each station for the quick exercise and logged close to 4 miles.

-Lots of mumblechatter!! But hey, as Hi-Liter says “Give the people want they want, miles!” Maybe not everyone wanted the miles, but those who braved the EC got even more than they bargained for on the day.


-Announcements of Duck Donut Dash courtesy of Term Paper and the Oakwood 24 was mentioned as well.

-YHC took us out with a prayer. Have a nice day and it was a pleasure running with you all!

See also