
There have been a lot of requests for vanilla workouts recently, so YHC set out to devise a workout with no sprinkles, no whipped cream, no cherry on top, just straight vanilla.


Mosey over to the community center parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies, standard merkins, plank jacks and squats.

The Thang

Line up at the first island for double sevens. Run to the far island and do twelve merkins, run back and do two squats. Repeato dropping two reps at the far island, adding two reps at the first island until we get down to two and twelve.

Repeato with squats and LBCs.

Repeato with squats and merkins.

Mosey over to the baseball field, stopping a couple of times along the way for LBCs.

Line up along the boundary between the dirt and the grass for a bearcrawl-merkin escalator. Do one bearcrawl (left-right is one) followed by one merkin, then two bear crawls followed by two merkins, continuing to increase each exercise by one each time, until we reach the outfield fence.

At the fence turn around and head back to the dirt with a lungewalk-squat escalator.


Mosey back to the skate park and circle up for ten burpees OYO and thirty LBCs.


Count-a-rama:  16 Name-a-rama:  5 RESPECTs, 11 meh, 0 HATEs Prayers / Praises:  Prayers for Smokey and quick recovery from his back issues, praise for the friendships formed through F3, especially Chinese Downhill, Yukon Cornelious and Liverpool, and the love and support they have given each other BOM:  YHC took us out


What’s with these knuckleheads? It’s TANK TOP Thursday but most of the PAX were in regular old t-shirts. It’s not Wednesday, it’s not Friday, it’s TANK TOP THURSDAY! I didn’t want to do it, but I had to hand out ten penalty burpees, one for each offender. Plan your wardrobe better next week, fellas. Bayonne has the Q, I’m not sure he’ll be as lenient as YHC.

Much appreciation to Bayonne and GTL, the only PAX to join YHC in tank tops. A little bit less appreciation to Frisco and Michelob, they were at least wearing muscle shirts. And a little bit more appreciation to Ascot. He showed up in a t-shirt, but by the time the count of non-tank tops reached him he had removed it. Still not really a tank top, but YHC appreciates his quick thinking.

Found out how Yoda got his name, I’ll leave it to the reader to ask him to share the story.

What do you think, guys? Was that vanilla? Running, merkins, squats, LBCs and not much else. I heard a few arguing that hillbillies aren’t vanilla. Come on, guys.

I noticed a few of the PAX got a little bored and modified to things like jump squats and wide grip merkins. Nice work, men!

I think my next Q will be a little spicier.

Happy Birthday to Bayonne!

Awesome group of HIM this morning, thank you for letting me lead.

See also