Valentine’s Day is all about the HEART!!!

Date: 2/15

PAX: Wrench, How How, Big Red, Animal, EarharT, Loom, Smokey, Shipper, Texas Ranger, Seahawk, WWW, Deuce, Horatio

I checked the Steve forecast and low and behold, he was blasting out 28 degrees but dry. Beautiful morning for a workout in the gloom.

Once all the PAX arrived and 0530 hit, I called out some test questions (Mission, Core Values, and Credo) and we recited the Pledge of Allegiance. We headed out for a light mosey around the pickle and back to the flag to circle up for warm-up. On our way back to the flag, we see some headlights beaming around the corner and up pops out Loom. Better late than never!

Warm-up: GM, Sir Fazio, seal claps, overhead claps, behind the back claps.

We mosey to our starting point where I call out the thang.

Thang: light pole to light pole work (escalator / de-escalator)

Heels to heaven (25,20,15,10,5)

Eskimo squats (5,10,15,20,25)

Anvil (25,20,15,10,5)

Reverse crunches (25,20,15,20,5)

Traveling merkins (25,20,15,10,5)

We got back to the flag to do our reward burpees because Loom graced us, thank you Loom! Last but not least, have a nice day.

CoR: 13 (11 boot campers and 2 runners)

NoR: 13 HIMs

Announcements: Horatio’s upcoming event he is supporting, ATT marathon.

Prayers / Praises: Prayers for Cataracts and others who are recovering from IR.


6th Man was EarharT. Great way to impact others and strengthen the 3 Fs.

Ausfahrt and I are going to launch a non-running workout real soon.

I am continue to be blessed to be out in the gloom with you all. Thank you for being there for me.

See also