Vacation...Paincation, Shooter's Choice

For the PAX that thought they might squeeze in a leisurely extra workout or two before Memorial Day, there was no leisure to be found.  It’s officially swimsuit season and YHC wanted the PAX in their best shape.  If you’re wondering if the season has started due to warmer weather or the torrential downpours, yes.  Regardless, there was enough of a break for 21 PAX, including one FNG, to receive a thorough beatdown

The Warm-up

Run down toward the lake, mixing in SSH, Good Mornings, Cotton-pickers, and Parking Lot Line Side Shuffles.  Circle up and count off into groups of 4 PAX (plus one with 5).  Move with your group to the painground for some tunes and…

The Thang

YHC graciously arrived early to set up a beautiful workout vacation for his fellow PAX.  Center station was Burpee Island - admission, 10 burpees.  With your dues paid, step up and roll the dice while enjoying the best that Johnny Cash has to offer.  White tells you where to go (or earns you some added burpees) and orange tells you what to do when your group gets there.  Potential locations included Pull-up Peninsula, Plank Plateau, Merkin Mainland, and Cardio Continent.  Although there were a variety of exercises and stations possible, Ma Bell’s dice were loaded and his group spent the entire time doing burpees and pull-ups.  After a solid 25 minutes of torture, er relaxation, we mosied back up to the senior center for…

The Mary

Grab a rock and your six for ‘Merican Hammers, WWIIs, Boat-can………what…on….earth…..was……that…..quick, throw the rocks back and escape before the toxic cloud released by an un-named PAX fells any brethren.


Met up with the Vespers.  Here’s their backblast:

“We ran.  Michelob ran faster than the rest of us.”

Name-o-rama with lot of respects.  FNG home from college is an Army ROTC out of UNC Charlotte. Better make that bed to spec and put some shine on those boots, welcome Spit-Shine.

Memorial Day announcements

Prayers for Pet Sounds’ Mother-in-law, Shutty’s and Openy’s Uncle, McCants’s cousin’s fam (and his own temporarily larger fam), HotSpot’s daughter, Highlighter’s father (praise), and I’m sure I’m missing something else.

YHC took us out.  See you next time in the gloom.  It’s always an honor to lead.


-YHC learned that a phone in your pocket during SSH can easily be mistaken for an overly excited Q…no tunes for y’all next time.

-Hotspot took offense at being accused of losing Michelob…he sees it more like Michelob losing him

-Loaded dice on Burpee Island suck

-If anyone ever needs to know a great way to end Mary, go see Ma Bell

-On the heels of Riptide’s merkin-fest at FOD yesterday, the excess of burpees today was hurtful

Churham just posted this, thought it’s worth passing on, especially on the cusp of Memorial Day.

See also