up, Up, UP!!!

A cold, wet day scared away most of the PAX but 10 hearty souls joined me for an early morning beatdown. As one of the tenants say, rain or shine, cold or hot, you will post to a workout. I briefly thought about shelter work today but, nah, we will warm-up on the running and workout I had planned (mostly). Run over to the curb and start with some quick feet to get the blood going then head-off into the gloom (watch out for Lake Ma Bell Nature Boy!). Circle up in the upper parking lot for:

Warm Up

10 Good Mornings

10 Cotton Pickers

10 Windmills (need to get the cadence right)

10 Hillbillies

The Thang

Finish with the warm-up and we are now thoroughly soaked so now the Q to start the main workout. Count-a-rama to 10 and divide the PAX in odds and evens. Somehow, that early in the morning we tend to forget simple math or I neglected to say remember your number. Either way, odds lunge walk to the next median while evens do 20 curb plank jacks, 20 dips to each of the medians. Flap jack to the next median.

Recover line-up for a classic mule workout, 7’s!! I decided to audible and instructed the PAX to perform burpees and squats (not hammers). PAX thought it might be a good idea to do curbees but that deep puddle at the end of the parking lot was discouraging.

Finish up and head down to the first field for another round of 7s, this time merkins and since we are on a slightly less wet field hammers.

Finish up on that field head down a slippery hill to the second field for some jack-webs. A circuit around the field up to 10 merkins.

Finally, I let the PAX enjoy a shelter for some dips, alt left-right step-ups, and upward facing table top merkins. 3 rounds and then back in the rain to head to the shelter for:


Moving some tables around, we were able to, in close quarters, perform some LBCs, freddie’s, low fast/slow flutter kicks, and WW2 sit-ups. Finally, the clock rings 6:30 (or close enough to call it) and we stop.


Count-a-rama: 10 hearty PAX.


Sign-up for the Bull.

NanTan announced 3 year anniversary of F3 in Cary is March 15th (Danger Zone)

Rumor about another spring party at Ma Bell’s.


  • Yes It rained, a lot, with cold and wind to boot
  • Glad I didn’t do a shelter only workout, nobody complained, much
  • Lake Ma Bell claimed some more PAX, including Nature Boy
  • Need to work on Windmill counting, slow it down
  • Most PAX avoided puddles except when called for Curbees and we all got wet feet at that point
  • Note to self, hands get really cold when down doing many sets of merkins
  • If you say you are going to ten make it 15 to keep them on there toes
  • Thanks to Franklin for helping me with up, up, up and keeping the PAX moving
  • We did finally make the shelter, after much fun in the rain
  • Hotpot would be proud, we moved picnic tables around
  • My feet are finally thawing out and hope to get feeling back in my hands soon

It was an honor to lead you men this morning.

See also