Unofficial/Official BRR Training Season

Shut-In blew-out his kankle on Friday and needed to go to the bullpen early in the week. This is now the most unique way that he has managed to avoid my Q. Still trying to wrap my head around how he did that……

4 of the Carpex 6 for a Hilly pre-run through the slums of Cary.

16 for the main event. Head across the street for a standard warm-up. 10 SSH, 10 GMs, 10 PJs, 10 IWs, 10 MCs, and 10 merkins.
Jog to the big hill at Ederlee Drive, for some light pole suicides. Increasing Sumo squat jumps.
Finish at the top of the hill, then cross into the Avenue of the Estates for a set of double 5s. Burpees at each end, hand release merkins at the bottom middle. Lots of hill work here. And lots of complaining.
Then jog back to the flag for COT. Somewhere between 4.3-4.7 miles covered, depending on PUT6.

Prayers for Greases mom, Praises and continued prayers for Wonderbreads dad, praises for Chanticleers 2 dot 0 birthday. YHC took us out.

Really strong group this morning. 16 PAX is definitely the most I have Q’d in a long time……………….people be avoiding me, or they just don’t like me. Glad to have tricked several of you into this one.

See also