Unexpected Hurdles

I’ve posted at a few other AOs, but I’ve mostly been coming out to Wolverine since I live right across the street. I’m definitely still learning the ropes and so when Pivot asked me to VQ I took the chance. I didn’t feel ready at all but I figured I’d better jump at the opportunity otherwise I’d never volunteer to do it.

We had 20 PAX in attendance and there were no FNGs. We started with the pledge and then ran to the middle school for a warm up.

Warm Up:

  • Good Mornings
  • Windmills - Unexpected hurdle number one. Here I miscounted and wasn’t loud enough. The mumblechatter threw me off but the PAX helped me get back into rhythm.
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Side Straddle Hops

Next we ran to the track where I realize the gate was locked (a literal unexpected hurdle). We proceed to hop the fence before running one warm up lap.

Thang 1: Paired off for a dora with 100 merkins, 200 LBCs and 300 squats. Alternate between the exercises and a lap around the track. Wrapped up with planks while waiting for the six.

Thang 2: Here I needed to fill some time so we hopped the fence again (another literal hurdle) and headed to the pull up bars and lined up for alternating sets of pullups and planks.

We took a light jog back to the flag to wrap up.


  • 10 burpees since we had one late arrival. Not knowing any better I did these in cadence, which may be a Carpex first.
  • Hello Dollies
  • Boxcutters
  • 2 sets of Side plank star crunches - called by Hi Liter

We wrapped up with counting and names.

Announcements: The Odyssey and BBQ on 10/5. Someone called out that it was Doogie’s birthday so we all sang him a happy birthday. Way to get out into the gloom on your birthday!

There were no prayer requests. YHC took us out with a message of thanks for this group and the opportunity to challenge each other. The strength and energy we get at F3 is a force for good for ourselves and others. Thanks to the PAX who helped me during my VQ. It was a great experience and I’m thankful for the chance to lead you guys.

I executed a plan and there were some unexpected hurdles, but we jumped over them together and kept moving forward. That’s basically what we all do every day!

See also