Ultimate Frisbee!!!!!

After seeing a post about starting up a sports AO, I was inspired to lead an ultimate Frisbee workout. Luckily I own an LED Frisbee, so we can play in the dark, add a few glow bracelets for team identification and were good to go.

After gathering in the parking lot and a pretty poor recitation of the disclaimer for the FNG, we mosey to the frozen tundra of flying circus. Circle up for warm-ups of side straddle hops, and i’m too excited to get the game going to do anything else.

Count off by two to form teams, don the pink or green bracelet and then we’ll play Ultimate for the remainder of the 45 minutes. One quick modification of the rules is that when the Frisbee hits the ground everyone does 2 burpees (it is F3 afterall)

It looked like it was going to be a route with the Greeenies, led by @f3franklin, going up by 2 scores early. But the pinkies battled back with raw emotion and cunning displayed by Dirty Bomb and Geek squad, to tie it at 2. With time running out we called it a draw and moseyed to the basketball court for a quick BTTW/Suicide, then COT where we welcomed avid swimmer, Doggy Paddle to the group

See also