Ultimate Burpee with additional Prime Time Merks

AO: The Lion’s Den

PAX: Disco Duck, Hi-Liter, Imp, Nerf, Red Ryder, Sub, Sour Mash, WWW

The thought for the workout today has been planned for some time.  I kept charting the time when it would be light enough to bring back ultimate frisbee/burpee.  For the past week, the average time for sunrise was 0545 hrs.  I just had to warm the PAX up and then do one round of a thang.

Read on to know what we did.

Did the F3 admin stuff and Pledged Allegiance to our great nation and Old Glory.  Boy, what a blessing!!!  After the pledge we moseyed over to the front of the church to get some stretched out and warmed up.

Warm-up:  GM, Abe Vigodas, calf stretches with merkins in between calf stretches, and Sir Fazio forward and back.

Mosey over to the soccer fields for thang 1.

Thang 1: Suicides.  Run 10 yards and run back to start where you will do 10 burpees.  Repeat to 30, then 50, and so on until you reached the full length of the field.  Once everyone was done, it was time for some ultimate frisbee (thang 2)

Thang 2:  Ultimate Frisbee.  Rules: everytime the frisbee hits the ground 5 merkins.  if a touchdown is made, losers 10 burpees; winner 10 burpees.  Play until 5 mins to time, so we can mosey back to the flag for Mary.

Mary:  Round the horn, favorite Mary exercise up to 10 reps.

Announcements: Crazy Train and Crazy Train SaG, Night Train, TCP Sawgrass, Battle of the Bags, Memorial Day Convergence

Prayers/Praises: Disco Duck’s M and her Mom and Dad’s trip to OBX, Imp’s 2.0 Sadie as she heals from her fever, Hi-Liter’s knees, Hi-Liter’s M and their 2.0 as they heal.

YHC led us out.


Ultimate frisbee is always a fun way to change it up but yet can be extremely tough if you do not make a touchdown and the other team keeps scoring … I forgot to count because it was too high.  It was a lot which equalled to a lot of burpees.

Life is always a blessing when the Good Lord or higher power allows you to get out in the gloom to wrokout with your fellow brother!!!

Thank you for being there with me.

See also