F3 Carpex is officially closed down, due to the coronavirus pandemic. This was not in the cards for 2020. YHC had been planning a 50th birthday Q for quite a while. Now, even though we’re officially closed, there are some unofficial workouts going on. I didn’t feel comfortable pre-blasting a place/time for an unofficial workout, just due to the inability to control numbers. So instead, let’s all do a Murph. On your own, with a few guys, however you want to. It can be at 0530 or 1700. As long as you find a way to push yourself. For YHC, it means completing the challenge as fast as possible, while wearing a Harbinger 20 pound vest.

A whole bunch of guys did a Murph this morning. Some of them in a cold rain. I’m humbled that my little challenge today pushed a few guys. For me, I completed the challenge in 41:05. That’s nearly 5 minutes faster than I did the same thing last week, solo. It just shows the power of having guys there holding you accountable.

F3 has taught me a lot in the last 2+ years. Not the least of which is the power of having other men in your life to hold you accountable. And to lean on, to encourage, and to get encouragement from. We’re in a difficult time right now, where the social circles we’ve been accustomed to have been disrupted to a large degree. My encouragement to you today is to work hard to stay connected. Reach out to a PAX you’ve not seen in a while. Some guys are struggling with this, and just one text or message could make all the difference in the world. Oh, and get just a LITTLE better today. DBB & MIAGD!

See also