Two years of F3 - Kryptonite style

With 9/9 a Sunday (and YHC attending Wood Badge training with Chop Block somewhere in the nether regions of Carthage, NC), my Q-nerversary was scheduled months ago at Kryptonite. But between work, Scout training and various work-related shennanigans, YHC had been averaging ~4.5 hours of sleep since last Wednesday so Q’ing Kryptonite was going to be less than ideal.

Then realization dawned. With the BRR only days behind them and the annual 9/11 stair climb the following day, it was likely that many of the CARPEx faithful would be ok with taking it a bit easy. So, with expectations set appropriately low:

Warm Up:

  • 52 IC SSH
  • 1 maddening glare from @hermes
  • 30 merkins


Form up into 3-man groups and Indian Run over to 2000 Regency Park

21’s on the hill all the way to the back of the parking lot:

  • 1 -> 21 Starjumps (by 2s)
  • 21 -> 10 Merkins (by 1s)
  • 1 -> 21 Burpees (by 2s)

We got to 17-13-17 before it was time to head back.

Indian Run back to the flag


  • 20 merkins
  • 52 IC LBC


  • 9 got after it this morning
  • Announcements: 9/11 Stair climb… Picnic on Sunday (later cancelled due to Florence)… VQ week… Band-aid drive
  • Prayers: Michelob’s 2.0


  • Although many a PAX did fartsack, those who came out were beastly. It took a lot to keep up. Especially with Thurston!
  • BB’s rock. I’m happy that you can still find the below online:
    • Pierogi 1-year party here:
    • My first post, care of @burt’s BB, here:
  • It’s been a fun 2 years. Some days have been easier than others but I’m happy @flipflop EH’ed me and I stuck with it during that first gloomy winter. The 1st F is great, the 2nd F a blast and the 3rd F, while not the one I exercise the most, definitely adds the special sauce that makes this group special
  • PS. #GoFrogs #BeatTheBuckeyes

See also