Two PAX Headed West

YHC has been in St. Louis all week for work and decided to check out the growing F3 St. Louis group while in town. Monday I met 4 other PAX in the gloom and was quickly connected to the group on social media. I quickly noticed that there was an open Q spot on Wednesday morning at the Valley of Darkness so YHC jumped at the opportunity to help our new brothers.

Heading west has two meanings: 1) We were in West County in Chesterfield and 2) I was pretty far west of Carpex!

Last night I did a scout 5k run around the park to learn more about the many different options. Thanks to some advice from my Carpex brothers I went with a very Vanilla workout with limited running to be flexible to all fitness levels that may be present.

This morning I was greeted by one lone PAX, Pitino. One would say that the numbers were low and there wasn’t much point in continuing but that would be folks that don’t understand F3. Pitino was coming off of IR but you would never know it today. He and I pushed each other for 45 minutes in what ended up being a hi-tempo workout.

Here is what we did:

Warm up

  • 15 x SSH
  • 10 x Hillbillies
  • 10 x Good Mornings (so we could have a good day!)
  • 15 x Mountain climbers
  • 10 x Merkin IC

Thing 1:

Mosey to the upper parking lot for some 11s. Run to first island for 1 burpee and return to the starting island for 10 Bobby Hurleys. After about 8 rounds I was ready for my 10 count recovery but we pushed through at a strong pace.

Thing 2:

Next mosey over to the picnic shelter for some Step ups, dips, urkins. Start with 20 and repeat with 15 and 10 reps for a total of 3 rounds. I had originally called Dirkins but quickly changed my mind during the dips and called an audible.

Thing 3:

Finally mosey over to the playground for some modified Dora. Wanting to bring some Carpex culture to St. Louis we did 50 pull ups (not EC but close), 100 LBC, 150 squats. Having some time left finish with 25 merkins each. Return to the flags for some Mary.


  • American Hammers
  • Flutter kicks
  • Homer to Marge (that was a new one for Pitino!)
  • Pitino called big boy sit ups, I modified with some additional LBCs
  • Boat/canoe with a discussion of which was actually boat and which was canoe. We needed Biner’s perspective.
  • Finished with have a nice day!

YHC took us out with prayers that we can help make someone else better today.


  • Leadership takes all of us. Glad to have a PAX of 2 to push each other. We get better because of the people around us.
  • St. Louis is growing region, great to share some Carpex culture with them. We did a lot of Burpees, Merkins, and Mary. Ma Bell and Disco Duck should be proud.
  • St. Louis has a strong group of men getting it going, kept spreading the word, it will grow.
  • Thanks for letting me guest Q!


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See also