Two for the Price of One

YHC woke up and immediately checked the forecast. The predicted rain was GONE! 45 mins of rain, not a big deal. 90 mins of rain…a bit much.

YHC also drove to the AO the day before to scout a rock pile spotted on Google Satellite (and DM’d Sub for recommended rock piles). The Google one was perfect so we were set!

Upon arrival at TGM a cool breeze came as a shock. There was a dusting of rain and a cool breeze in mid-August. PERFECT weather! Guys began to gather and Sub and I Pity The Fool returned from a 5k EC run (to an already stupid long AO! WOW!!)

We pledged and we hit the pavement running a warm up lap around the lot. YHC led some warmup exercises. One of my worst warm up performances in my Qistory. I couldn’t think nor could I wake up. Sidenote: Introduced “The Sosa” to activate our glutes. Not sure it’ll stick though. Partnering up in warmup is tough… YHC then asked “how do we get to the track” and so started our main event!

Thang 1: The Iron Pax

  • A modified version of the IP18 Week 1:
    • 40 LBCs, 30 Squats, 20 Merkins, 10 Burpees, 400M run
    • Lap two we did on Q’s count. Need to make sure form is superb ;)
  • Pull-up-a-rama
    • Group 1: Hang from pull up bars and do 1 pull up going around the circle. Repeat about 3 times around
    • Group 2: Do the same thing with squats
    • Run to the scoreboard and back
    • Flapjack groups, repeato a second round

Thang 2: The Running Portion

  • We ran to the hill along Green Level Carpenter Olive Church Fire Road (the back of the school. There we found 5 ‘No Parking’ signs. Run to the first sign and back, 5 monkey humpers, sign to and back, etc etc.


45 min in now we ran back to the cars and got water. BTW, YHC didn’t mention along the route we did Jack webbs and also some burpee indian runs too.

OK 60 seconds of water is over, back in line boys!

Thang 3: The Crossfit Portion

OK not really but YHC was watching the Crossfit Games and wanted to do a little more lifting with aerobic movements so we….

  • Grabbed a rock from the aforementioned rock pile.
  • A 5x5x5 “Colt 45s” set, ran to other end of the lot, 15 WWIIs
  • Repeato 3 times to get us our 15x15x15 reps of colt 45s.
  • Next we shortened the parking lot and did a burpee with a jump over our rock, then walked the rock over our heads across to the other side for another rock burpee jump. We did this for about 5 mins.

We ran back to the flag, 2 AYG sprints, stretched and time was up.
Recover, recover, recover.

- On our indian run back to water at halftime we sang Lean On Me and it was AWESOME!!
- Planning a 90 min beatdown is no joke!
- AND you only get credit for 1 workout when on any other day of the week that’s TWO workouts!
- This shouldn’t scare anyone off from attending though. A little bit longer warm up, a little halftime water, a little bit of stretch time at the end. It’s pretty solid! Thanks Parker and Snots for your leadership!

See also