Two Drink Minimum

Wow, the weather forecast was intimidating for my first Q at Rush Hour. I seriously thought it might be just me and Theismann, and I was nervous at trying to keep up with him, even when he is wearing a 20# weighted vest. So I packed up a cooler with some waters and cold towels as a mini SAG station, and headed down to lovely DTC. To my surprise, it was the largest turnout that I’ve experienced at Rush Hour, a PAX of 9, including two of our Friendly SW Guys (FSWGs - both of whom were wearing weighted vests). Of course, Carvana had to out-do them by wearing his 30# ruck - stud move indeed!

After a brief disclaimer with an emphasis on safety / looking out for your brother with the heat, we Pledged our Allegiance, and moseyed over to the shade east of the parking deck for the…

Warm Up

Keeping with my theme from earlier in the day to celebrate my 144th day since joining F3, all of the following were done 12 reps IC:

Good Afternoons, Daisy Pickers, SFAS forward & back, SSH (24 vs 12), and Abe Vigodas.

Well, since we were east of the parking deck, it shouldn’t have been a surprise, the PAX were instructed to go grab a Pain Stick. With more than a little grumbling, they complied, and we headed into the garage for

Thang 1

7s in the parking deck. Mosey / shuffle / walk up one level of the deck with your pain stick, rows at the top, curls at the bottom.

Time check - shoot, we’re behind schedule, but you learned from this morning that it’s better to have more and cut things out than not have enough planned. Save it for the next time!

Pain sticks were returned, and we took a gentle mosey back to the impromptu SAG station by the Pocket Park for the first stop on this Two Drink Minimum workout.

Thang 2

With some fresh cool water in our bellies, we moseyed over to the courtyard, where the FSWGs remarked, with more than a little envy in their voices, what nice things we have here in the Town of Cary. We then performed five very sweaty sets of the following:

Dips x10, Single count LBCs x10, jog back up by the flagpoles and grab a piece of railing to do Aussie Pull Ups x10. Warning was given to avoid places on the railings where one could 1) be doing Aussie Pullups in bird doo-doo or 2) be liable to smack one’s head on the flower bed ledges.

Time Check - wow, way behind schedule, but we’re getting a solid workout on. I’ll have plenty for next time!

Once that was completed, we went back to the impromptu SAG station and grabbed the second stop for the Two Drink Minimum (I’m really glad that I brought more waters than I thought I would need, turns out I had just one leftover). With around 6 minutes left to go, we walked over to the Pocket Park for…


Pam Andersons x12, Box Cutters x12 (with some Control Freq thrown in there for fun), Four Count Flutter Kicks x24 and hold at the end with a Bartman 10 count, and Have a Nice Day.


PAX removed their shoes and socks to dip their feet into the pocket park fountain (in keeping with Rush Hour tradition) while YHC grabbed the cooler to distribute cold wet washcloths, which were very well received although some PAX had to share. Theismann noted that we’ve turned the fountain into a salt water pool with all our sweat over the weeks, and the FSWGs inquired to the estimated cost of installing such a fountain (do they not have fountains in Holly Springs??)

Count-a-rama: A very sweaty and well worked nine


  • FSWGs really need some help with a fundraiser this Saturday evening for a great charity, Meg’s Smile - think Make-A-Wish but 100% volunteer effort, so every dollar goes directly to helping kids with serious illnesses in North Carolina hospitals, please see for more info about the charity, the event, and what help is needed.
  • Carpex Dads this Saturday, also Battle for Bond Park coming up, see Slack for the deets.
  • 2nd F immediately following at the Pharmacy, and in keeping with RH tradition, YHC was buying the first round since it was my first Q at the site.

Prayers / Praises:

  • Quiver for his upcoming move from DTC to Holly Springs, with associated mumblechatter about him needing to turn in his Carpex tees
  • Quiver for his 13 y/o daughter who is off at her first “real” time away from home at Band Camp (note that YHC had to stifle his desire to quote the line from American Pie (movie not song))
  • YHC for job search / interview coming up Monday

YHC took us out


Really enjoyed leading the PAX in a strenuous workout, and glad that we all did look out for one another from a safety perspective!

There wasn’t as much focus on 144, I think the heat got to me and I didn’t remember to track the counts. Oh well, turns out that I also didn’t remember to get my credit card back from the bartender at Pharmacy.

See also