Two Bricks in Hand is better than One in the ... nvm

When Frisco asked me to Q Claymore, I was more than happy to oblige him. We settled on a date until we didn’t. In typical Frisco fashion, he had already promised the agreed upon date to another PAX. So YHC happily shifted to the right on the calendar and here we were. On a lovely 62 degree morning, Annie Jones Park was our oyster. Twelve gathered for the Pledge of Allegiance where in the shadow of Old Glory sat a yard cart full of landscape bricks YHC pulled from his garage that morning.

Grab Two Bricks, there are many like yours but these two are yours. Goal for today is to complete the next 45 minutes without letting go of either brick.

Mosey to the top of the lot, circle up

Warm Up:

Good Morning
Side Straddle Hops
Sir Fazio
Sir Fazio Reverse
Seal Clap
Overhead Clap
Moroccan Night Clubs
Wind Mills

Mosey Down to the other side

Thang 1:

7s on the parking lot slope, grab a long white
Should Tap Merkins with bricks in hand (6 at top to start)
Bear Crawl or Lunge Walk with bricks
WWIIs (1 at bottom to start)

Mosey to the Outfield, Line up Along Foul Line

Sir Fazio
Sir Fazio Reverse
Seal Clap
Overhead Clap

Thang 2:
Lunge 15 yards
15 Curls for Girls
Lunge 15 Yards
15 Overhead Press
Lunge 15 Yards
15 Tricep Extentions
Repeato back to the foul line

Mosey to the playground for 3 circuits of bear crawls and lunges around the equipment. Mosey to the flag.

Mary with Bricks
Brickpees, Homer to Marge, Boat Canoe, Dying Cock Roaches, HAND (bricks down)

Count O Rama
Name O Rama
Praises/Prayers - Frisco and his M, Sputnik’s friend, and Saban’s M

NMS – so much to say when Frisco is involved….. But seriously, I continue to be amazed by this group of PAX on a daily basis for a whole host of reasons. It really is quite encouraging and comforting. We all carry our own burdens and challenges and we also frequently carry the burdens of others. What starts out small like a 1.5 brick can end up overwhelming us and our abilities in just a short amount of time. Seek to release those burdens. Seek to rely on your fellow man to help you with those burdens. We are better together. All PAX achieved and held their bricks. Recover.

See also