Twice in a week at Sovereign Grace - this was slow and controlled with purpose

Very excited to be back at the hallowed grounds of Tortoises. I once thought the idea of a limited run workout was the only possible type of workout there was, however, that probably says more about my former fitness level then anything else. I now know how much harder it is to plan a limited run workout that really challenges the Pax. However, I believe I was able to today.

We gathered in the gloom and at precisely 530 (ish) (did i mention i dont like to wear a watch when i lead a workout) - we headed to the top section of the parking lot for the limtedness of runs - around the pickle - one, two or three times depending on choice of each PAX. Then we circled up.

Warm up - One burpee (courtesy of Nature Boy’s request), Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, SFAC and a few more things. Then suddenly the Thang.

Plank position - right where you are - staring with one Pax - 10 merkins, then next pax - around the circle until all have completed - remaining group - hold plank, Then - same thing - with 10 diamond merkins, then 10 wide grip merkins - Shoulders screaming at this point - we took a quick time out for

Quick Feet, Peoples Chair hold, Pickle run - and then right back to plank - for similar version of the first plank circle - but this time - we bear crawled between the merkin exercises around the circle. Again - when sholders started to fail - we did the cycle of quick feet, Peoples Chair and pickle run.

Back into circle again - this time on your 6 for the following around the circle - LBC, Dying cockroach, American Hammer, Flutter Kick - all while holding the LBC up position. Did i menion we were going to focus on core work today.

Finally, one more round of Peoples chair and then a sprint back to the flag.

Mary - American Hammers, H2M, 100s.

Announcements - 9/11 stair climb, Odyssey, Picnic, Golf Tournament, Labor Day Run

YHC took us out.

As always, it was my honor.

See also