Twas The Day Before Halloween

  • And all through the park
  • creatures were stirring and leaving their mark.
  • “Has there ever been a rhyming backblast?” He said with a grin.
  • All those laps on the field made my head spin.
  • It was dark, cold and wet!
  • and somewhere Frisco was thinking “what else can I drink for a bet?”
  • We got up, got dressed and then had a good morning,
  • then took towards the summit without proper warning.
  • Half way up I was regretting drinking that slurpee,
  • and I saw Highlighter daydreaming about hitting a three-hundreth burpee.
  • Biner sailed past in his bullet proof vest,
  • seeing his smile is always the best.
  • Once we reached the top of the hill,
  • Sooey decided to lead us in a fine windmill.
  • Everything was going according to plan,
  • Sooey, what cadence! Were you in a band?
  • Good mornings came and then a loud sound like an old door breaking a bone,
  • twas Crimson stuck at the bottom and performing his morning groan.
  • Then to the field as we were expertly led,
  • four corners and burpees, aw come on can we do squats instead?
  • After two laps my fingers were frozen,
  • a lap or two sprint, then to lead I was chosen.
  • A short mozy down to the tables shaking our hips,
  • ten, fifteen, no, twenty durkins, erkins and dips.
  • After round two when we were good and sore
  • we went off for some Dora, was it actually Dora? I’m not sure.
  • Then after some laps, merkins, squats and world war twos
  • we sprinted some laps testing our shoes.
  • With hands on knees we were almost defeated
  • but with strength from Sky Blue, Doogie and Trike, we repeated.
  • A few burpees more and we made it to Mary,
  • I never knew a boat or canoe could be scary.
  • Our dying cockroachs squirmed and our supermen flew
  • and together we did more than we knew we could do!
QIC: Sooey/Hotty Toddy
AO: Field Of Dreams
PAX: 19 HOTTIE TODDy, SOOEY, Parker, Crimson, Pigeon, Two factor, trike, sosa, Katniss, PBX, Hi-Liter, Sky-Blue, Pivot, Liverpool, Bogo, Doogie, Biner, GeekSquad, Loom

It was great getting to Co-Q! I hope you enjoyed it

Jog to top parking lot

Warm up

Move to soccer field for 4 corners

Thing 1 - Modified 4 corners

10 x Squats at each corner with burpees in the middle

Repeat 10 x Merkins

Repeat 10 x LBC

Repeat 10 x Plank jacks

Thing 2 - C2C

Sprint long side of field jog short side

Plank and wait for 6

Thing 3 - Shelter

20 x Step ups

20 x Dips

20  x Irkins

Repeato replacing steps ups with 20 Durkins

Thing 4-

Partner kinda sorta dora

Amrap WWMurkins, Prisoner Squats, WW2’s then take a lap!


Mary -

Pivot - Dying Cock-a-roach x 20

Geek Squad flying superman around the circle count to 5

Biner Boat Canoe x 10



  • Prayers for test results for mother
  • Praise for Doogies Daughter
  • Prayers for Pittsburgh

See also