Twas a starry night in the gloom which was ideal to bring on some Thunderstruck!

Date: 3/18/2019


AO: A Team

PAX: 15

For some reason, Sky Q forgot to turn on the heater. Albeit being a crisp / brisk morning, it was a blessing to be out there leading the PAX in the workout. Sooey graced us with his presence to get his walk in. Sooey is da Man because he did not wait long to get back out in the gloom. There is always one or two PAX that would not mind taking a walk with him. It is just amazing for him to be out there with us.

First thing to start out the gloom was getting the admin stuff out of the way. No FNGs and no visitors.

First exercise: Pledge of Allegiance to Old Glory shovel flag.

Mosey to inner parking lot to warm-up.

Warm-up: GM, Abe Vigoda, more hamstring stretches, calf stretch with CFMs, Sir Fazio

Thang 1:


Thang 2: Mosey to the big hill for 11s. QIC directs the PAX to partner up. Of course, Frisco was late to need in picking his partner. I think the PAX was trying to avoid picking him … just like picking teams. Frisco looked very confused and somewhat felt left out. Hot Spot, a true HIM with such a big heart, pick Frisco to be on his team. I thought I say some tears streaming down Frisco’s face. Hot Spot, you are a gentleman and a scholar. The goal was for the partners to stay together during the thang for fellowship. Great way to learn more about your Brother.

Catalina Wine Makers at the top of the hill. Diamond merkins or close grip merkins at the bottom.

Thang 2 went longer than I expected so I had to modify my plans. The thang was still tough because of the hill.

Mosey to back to the front parking lot with a quick stop at the picnic tables for some table work: 2 rounds of Dips IC & T-bags OMD. My timekeeper kept me on point … 3 mins left.

Continue our mosey back to the front parking lot. I definitely do not want to be late for COT. Unfortunately, I had to sacrifice Mary for the sake of respecting the PAX’s time. QIC calls circle up for Have-A-Nice-Day. Even though we weren’t able to workout with Mary, we got plenty of core with Thunderstruck burpees, Catalina Wine Makers and Diamond Merkins.

Count-a-rama: 7 respects, 8 mehs

Name-a-rama: Billy, Captain Jack, Cataracts, Disco Duck, Ezekiel, Frisco, GWEEK (oops – Geek) Squad (almost had to rename him), Hot Spot, Imp, Lawn Dart, Press On, Silverback, Smokey, Sooey, WWW

Announcements: 24 hour Prayer Vigil … check on Slack for details, #FUGM CSAUP Ruck/Run 5-week event (Goal: Either Ruck or run all the Greenways in 5 weeks) … sign-ups on Slack.

Prayers/Praises: Crimson’s family for the loss of his FIL, Ausfarht’s & Sooey’s recovery, Hot Spot’s daughter’s success at a cheerleading competition this past weekend at Myrtle Beach, prayers for Kelly & Grace for their recovery, praises for those who did the half marathon this past weekend.

BOM: QIC had the PAX circle up and led us out.


Great job men! It is always a pleasure to be your QIC.

T-claps to Geek Squad for partnering with me. Awesome fellowship that was had. It’s great to know more about a Brother!

It is AWESOME to see Sooey out in the gloom after his surgery. He will get a follow-up this Friday. Praying for great news on his recovery.

T-claps for those HIMs who did the half marathon this past weekend.  It took a lot of prep to train for the event.

See also