Turtles all the way down

To borrow from the G-File, welcome dear readers (including those who thought this BB was going to be about Sturgill Simpson or, much less likely, John Green’s book):

Ever come across a book (or in this case a series of books) that you just wish you had come across earlier in life? That’s basically how I feel about Terry Pratchett and his Discworld Series. I first came across Pratchett’s series a few years ago on a trip to London where the bookshop in the airport is a frequent stop. Like most shops of this ilk, there are lots of current titles, the usual “Top 10"s and of course books recommended by the staff (although who this would actually be in an airport bookstore where I imagine the turnover is, well, constant, I do not know). But in addition, there is a healthy collection of books by local authors. And, in the case of Terry Pratchett, a collection of everyone of his 41 books. So on a whim, I picked up “Color of Magic” on one such visit and read it on the plane home.

It was a decent book. Witty, written in a loose voice, and clearly very allegorical. The plot of this first book escapes me but the themes of the book, including the ineptitude of authority, the goofiness of blind allegiance, the silliness of bullies, sticks with me. I picked up a few others but quickly lost patience with them though. Sure, they were still clever and funny but I have a feeling I would have enjoyed them much more in high school or college.

What does this have to do with F3? Well, besides the allusion to Tortoises, it somewhat speaks to my approach to most things coupon-y. I have a feeling I would liked weights and strength training more had I gotten into it earlier. Now it just seems like … work. I have been trying to amend that this year a bit during my Qs and although it is getting a bit easier, and I see the value of it, I’m a ways away from calling these workouts fun.


The usual combo of GM, SSH, Abe Vigoda, Phelps. With a short mosey to help move the concrete cores from behind shed #1 to shed #2.

Partner up for Alternating Partner Merkins: P1 hold low plank while P2 does 5 merkins; flip flop. Goal is 50 total. 50 total turns out to be about the right number.


Grab a cinderblock and head to the “hill”. Sets of partner flap jacks:

P1: curls & overhead presses; P2: lunge walk & FM & mosey back (2x)

P1: triceps extensions & rock rows; P2: crab walk & flutter kicks & mosey back (2x)

P1: squats & swings; P2: mosey down & V-ups & bear crawls back (2x)

P1: squat thrusts; P2: lunge walk & crab walk & LBCs & bear crawl back


We had about 12 minutes so this one was a long one. Coupon assisted sets of AH, Supermen, Oblique Crunches, Flutter kicks, 6” hold, B-52, slow V-downs. YHC was spent!


  • 7 at the end just as started
  • Prayers for Ray and 1-D and all July 4th travelers
  • Announcements: July 4th stuff & blood drive


See also