Turkish Delight


THANKS and a BIG SHOUT OUT to all the Q’s I’ve posted under since my first day…you all taught me well! Thanks, WaterWings for inviting me out. Grateful for the brotherhood! Thanks for the support today!


‘Twas Saturday morning and through-out CarPex not a creature was stirring except…Callahan, Old Maid, Hermes (gear), Pierogi (gear), Dice, Bo Jackson, Yoga Mat, Texas Ranger, Ollie (3rd Anniv.), Smokey, Crimson, Sooey, Napster, Shank, Yogi, Hi-Liter (VQ), Disco Duck, Mississippi, Biner, Bonham (FNG), Sour Mash, Large Mouth, Term Paper, Sky Blue, Free Bird, Bartman, and Red Dawn.

Beating the early morning heat and humidity, the 27-strong CarPex PAX assembled at Phoenix as Hi-Liter prepared for his VQ. The troops were pensively quiet…the men were unaware that they were about to be force-fed a man-sized helping of Turkish Delight.

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at the Shovel Flag
  • Run to the Community Center, circle up
  • SSH x 20
  • Good Morning x 10 (slow count)
  • Fazio Arm Circles (golfer’s grip) x 10 forward –> Overhead claps x10 –> FAC (gg) x 10 reverse
  • Imperial Walkers x 15
  • St. Merkins x10 –> 1-leg plank calf stretch x5 both legs –> Zebra Butt Kickers x10 both legs
  • Mosey to the back CC lot

The Thang

  • 7’s between the parking curbs: Crab Walk to Burpees then Bear Crawl back to Dying Cockroaches
  • Indian Run to the west end of the park
  • Partner Chase Partner Merkins with a side of Turkish Delight to the east end of the park: Partner Merkins x10 then run while other PAX does 5 Turkish Get-ups, Flap Jack, Rinse, Repeat
  • Indian Run to the playground
  • Partner Circuits: 10 pullups + 10 WWII situps while partner runs across the street to the shelter and does 5 BTTW pushups; Flap Jack, Rinse, Repeat x5
  • Indian Run back to the Community Center parking lot
  • All-You-Got sprint to the flag; circle up for Mary

Mary (All were in cadence sets of NINE in honor of…)

  • Alternate sets of American Hammers with Low Slow Flutter; Freddie Mercury; Box Cutters; Hello Dolly


  • Folded Arm Hang; move to the right and left
  • Runner’s Stretch right and left
  • Sumo Squat Stretch; slow roll up
  • Behind back shoulder stretch
  • Chicken Wing stretch right and left


  • Contact Burt about the Bulls Game…pre-game cookout at SGC?
  • FIA - July 22
  • CSAUP (The Squirl?) - October 7

Prayer Requests

  • Mississippi headed to Military Chaplaincy school
  • Ollie (praise) 3rd Anniv. in F3
  • PAX with family/friends who are ill (especially those battling cancer)

Coffeteria - Panera - 8 in attendance

See also