TTT is back!

It was a perfect morning to bring out the old tank-top, but it required digging it out of my pile of old t-shirts that I keep for some reason. Is it possible for t-shirts to have sentimental value? Smokey had the same idea, and looked quite stylish in his colorful apparel.

We began with the F3 disclaimer and pledge. Then a short jog to the end of the park for:


  • SSH, Hill Billys, Good Morning, Fazio Arm Circles

Thang 1: This seemed like a good idea at the time…

  • 4x4 Ladder - run between light posts, increasing 4x4s by two each time, for 4 sets
  • Turns out this was harder than YHC thought, as I intended to do 5 sets

Thang 2: Jog over to Town Hall for…

  • Bear Crawl 1-2-3s: 100 merkins, 200 LBCs, 300 squats

Thang 3: Someone left bags of top soil lying around, so we used them for…

  • curls for girls
  • overhead press
  • rows

Mary: PAX Choice

  • Freddy Mercury
  • Box Cutters
  • American Hammers
  • Peter Parkers (regular and chill-cut)
  • Merkins (sadly, more merkins)
  • WWII
  • Protractor
  • … and more I forgot …


See also