Tryon this Coupon

19 gathered in the soupy gloom. 1 FNG, quick disclaimer followed by practice mozy lap.

Warm Up

SSH x 15

Hillbillies x 11

GM x 11

MC x 11

Plankjacks x 11

Merkins x 22


Blue and Out pulls in to get us to an even 20

10 penalty burpees

Form groups of 4 and grab 2 coupons per squad

2 exercise while 2 walk/jog a lap with coupon of choice

Complete these quantities as a team

  • 200 x Merkins
  • 400 x LR Monkey Humpers
  • 600 x LBCs

Swap coupons as you see fit among the PAX.


2 pax from each group do BTTW while partners do derkins x 25 at the Gaga ball pit

Flapjack – audible to irkins x 25 for the 2nd group


Coupons – part deux

200 x burpees

200 x Jump Squats monkey humpers

200 x Hammers


11 x LSF

11 x Dying Cockroach


F3 dads this Saturday 9 am bond park

Triple down with Raleigh – Ruck/Standard Beatdown/FIA Beatdown

Tortoises shirt order roll call – 10 PAX locked in

Tortoises converging at SNS next Wednesday in order participate in Bread Breaking 3rdF

Respect Q week in early November. Grinch looking for co-Q for Phoenix. YHC took him up on offer.

Prayers and Praises

Yogi announced that his son is doing well and in Bridge program which will train him for firefighting when he gets out

Yogi on continued job search.


YHC was excited to Q at Tortoises as I had not posted there since the early days of its formation. I knew that they had coupons there, but wanted to introduce new ones. Many thanks to Bartman for bringing most of them. He said he had 6 or 7, which I thought would be plenty as I intended to use one for every two PAX. By 5:20, there were already 10 or so present, so I needed to gather a few extra from the Tortoise supply and Yogi was able to provide an extra ruck

Coupons utilized

  • Four 30 lb rucks
  • Two 40 lb sandbags
  • One 60 lb sandbag
  • Two 30-ish pound cinder blocks
  • One 35 lb kettle bell

Since ½ the PAX would be stationary, it gave me the opportunity to add tunes, which always makes high numbers of random exercises more enjoyable. Theme – songs with Run in the title since I was told we couldn’t run (much). Options were not plentiful and I left Runnin’ with the Devil off as it didn’t seem fitting with location


Run Through the Jungle – CCR

Run Around – Blues Traveler

Run Like Hell – Pink Floyd

Running Down a Dream – Petty

Born to Run – Springsteen

I Ran – A Flock of Seagulls (80s nonsense but I was limited for options)

The Long Run – Eagles

Runnin’ with the Pack – Bad Company

No One to Run With – Allman Brothers


It was great to post with guys I hadn’t met before - 529 (close to merlot spillage at one point), Toothless, Spartan as well as FNG – Winkelman

Had a little trouble regaining order during announcements as there was a lot of discussion related to Bread Breaking and whether to cancel Tortoises or try to beat it over there. Site Q Yogi made the call to move Tortoises to SNS, which is a great move and he was finally convinced that it didn’t need to still start at 5:30.

Blue and Out - The tortoise is a cartoon image but it is pretty cool, so order one.

Men- it was a honor and a pleasure to lead 20 with a purpose today

See also