True HIM Tribute

Just a bit moist & slippery – maybe it’s the perfect conditions for Slippery When Wet….

Wow – pulling in the parking lot, Flacco’s light bar blinded & spotted a few good men already there….. & then they just kept streaming in via car, EC run, or rescue boat it seems….

FNG was briefed on the F3 disclaimer 1:1 – he & his dad in for the weekend up from Florida with other family to support Liverpool.  Full muster of 25 given a brief disclaimer & we found a flag for the pledge….

The Warm-Up

Mosey from the lot in full mumblechatter mode toward the greenway entrance, paint the lines in the lot & circle up for a bit of a warm up:  SSH, good mornings, windmill, squat-thrust things, calf stretch, merkins, were done.

The Thangs

Mosey down greenway to tunnel for thang #1:

7’s – Wolverines at the bottom & bear nipplers (4 count of course) at the top

Mosey back to the park to the far lot for thang #2:

Partner up:  P1 runs to the restroom building for a group BTTW 20 count, P2 bear-crawl, crawl-bears Paula Abduls (up 3 lines, back 2 here), flip-flop when P1 returns.

Repeato with lunges, repeat with crab – fun stuff had by all (even Wonderbread!)

Mosey to big lot & circle up for Thang #3, Mucho Chesto with PAX holding the plank – standard, diamond, wide, offset left, then right merkins were done… couple rounds of that & side lunge star crunches, LBC, & the stand up have a nice day—Shawshank!


  • Count-o-rama – 25 strong
  • Name-o-rama 8 respects, 1 hate, 2 hate-hate, bunch of mehs.  FNG Trickle (first name Cole)
  • Announcements
    • New AO on Wednesday morns popping up for south-siders afraid of SnS
    • The men of Healing Transitions need work out gear as part of putting their lives back together – new/lightly used would be appreciated.
  • Praises & Prayers
    • Fantastic to see Swag this morning – prayers to Swag & his family as they support & fight alongside of his M
    • Liverpool on my mind the entire workout, Chinese Downhill & I chatted about how to best honor him on the anniversary of his sons passing.  Called him to center of CoT to lift him up – wasn’t fully sure what I was going to say, Liverpool stepped right up and he spoke from the heart about his past year, the unbelievable lows and how the F3 crew has been helpful along with his faith & family – we could all blame the rain for the tears in our eyes…..he is so strong, so impressive, a true High Impact Man where most others would have crumbled.  Best wishes to you, brother & your family as you get away this weekend to reflect & look ahead.

Fantastic F3 representation this morning, I’m honored to be part of it.

See also