Triple scoop of Dora-tabata

17 Pax decided to Q shop and ended up at the POGL’s finest downtown AO, Disturbing the Peace this morning. YHC stayed up way too late last night finalizing my plans for the Q today. It was planned out to the minute. No fng’s and not a minute to spare, time for the pain.

Quick mosey to the church parking lot to warm up. This was timed. SSH’s, good mornings, sir fazio, calf stretch and runner stretch. Time to tell the Pax about the impending pain.

Everyone’s done a Dora before, usually with a partner. This time, the Dora is solo. I brought out the tunes and my timer. 3 exercises; burpees, merkins, and squats. When the timer starts do 10 burpees in the first minute. Rest for remainder of that minute. Start of minute 2 perform 20 merkins, rest for rest of minute if finished. Start of minute 3 perform 30 squats, rest for rest of minute if finished. This continued for 10 rounds to complete 100 burpees, 200 merkins, and 300 squats all in 30 minutes. I also threw in a lap around the block after round 5. Interesting enough the little mumble chatter was provided by Yoga Mat. I think Texas Ranger also lost his shirt somewhere between rounds 7-8.

Finished with the 30 minutes of pain we moseyed back to the flag with 1 minute left for YHC led 100’s.

Prayers were sent up for the Massey family.

See also