Triple Nickle Hillz

A gorgeous morning in Cary!!!  60 degrees and 91% humidity after weeks of 80 degrees and 97%+ humidity!  With tour-de-Carpex month, the aim was to keep it challenging, but to also not scare off any infrequent Kryptonite visitors in the hopes they come back to this AO!  There’s lots of running, sure, but it isn’t JUST about running!  YHC was very pleased to see a solid stream of cars rolling into the AO as we got closer to M-Minute.  17 Pax total, a very nice showing for Kryptonite!

Goals for this beat down:

  • Keep it Simple
  • Enhance cardio capacity
  • Improve VO2 Max
  • Keep the Pax breathing hard and moving
  • BRR Prep

5:30 sharp, no FNG’s….let’s go!  Brief mosey across the street for some warm up.


  • 20 SSH
  • 15 Imperial Walkers
  • 10 Slow-Cadence Good Mornings
  • Lizard Pose / Runner’s Stretch, 10-count each side
  • Calf Stretch, 10-count each side
  • Ten 4-Count Standard Merkins

Mosey over to the bottom of the long hill on Ederlee for the main event

Main Event: The Triple Nickle

  • Five Wolverines at the bottom
  • Run to the top
  • Five Worst Merkins Ever at the top
  • Run to the bottom
  • Repeato four times for a total of five sets
    • (5 Wolverines, 5 Hillz, 5 Worst Merkins…..5x5x5, Triple Nickel, get it?)
    • (Speed Demons picked up the six and probably got an extra set)
    • The hill really started to suck on the fifth set, and mumblechatter was definitely at a minimum!
  • All pax completed an extra set of Wolverines at the bottom
  • Mosey back to the flag for Mary


  • 30 WWII Situps
  • 20 LBC’s
  • 20 Freddy Mercury’s
  • Have an nice day

3.4 Miles total by YHC’s measure


  • F3 Dads is 7/21, need a Q and HIMs for drinks and snacks
  • Michelob is running the Grandfather Mtn Marathon this weekend
  • Khaki’s reminded the pax about the July 20 BBQ fundraiser for Kubota’s adoption
    • Check Carpex News and/or search for Kubota for details
    • Straight donations also accepted
    • Khaki’s swears the Beef Brisket is hands down some of the best EVER

Prayer Requests:

  • Chipper’s mom is improving and he is traveling to visit here, she’s expected to return home soon
  • Prayers for Burt and family as they expect to stop the current round of Chemo for his Father-In-Law
  • Grease Monkey’s mom is inbound to Duke to begin additional treatment
  • Please pray for Yogi’s family


  • Shut-In’s offspring head back to school this week.  He’s not going to know what to do with all that silence!
    • This is a praise AND a prayer

See also