Triple Crown

When Hola Gato put up a Q spot for the finest AO in NW Cary on a Thursday YHC immediately had flashbacks to the fun we had about a year ago when I took the lead. After a quick discussion with my shield lock about scheduling, it was decided we go for the Triple Crown and bring back the (mini) cooper.

After greeting my shield lock at HFT, YHC made the trek to NW Cary arriving at 5:37. Little crowds were expected with the mid-20 degree temperatures, but it was looking a bit bare. Never fear, the Nature Boy clown car arrived soon after. Then Trike/Clementine showing up with only seconds to spare to plant the shovel flag.

5:44:30 and we were off. Limited disclaimers where shared but I think only Franklin heard it. It was chilly and time to get to work!

Warm up:

  • 1/4 mile run to warm up
  • SSH, Mountain Climbers, Merkins, Good Mornings, Windmills were done

The Thing! The Mini-Cooper makes its return!

Mosey over to the small track at the elementary school for the 3rd running of the mini-cooper. It is a regular cooper but on a smaller track. About 5 laps equal a mile. Starting with 10 burpees, 10 squats, 10 merkins. Run a lap. Then repeat 9 of each, then run a lap and 8 all the way down to 0.

YHC quickly learned this was a popular routine!

With a few minutes left, mosey to the soccer field starting at the far end line. Run to the other end line, 30 SSHs and return. Run to mid-field, 20 mountain climbers and return, end of the goalie box for 5 burpees OYO and return.

Mosey back to the flag for Mary.


  • Ma Bell called Pickle Pounders (in an elementary school parking lot!)
  • YHC called Homer to Marge
  • Franklin called big boy situps
  • Badlands hit us with some LBCs
  • And have a nice day!


Nice work fellas, it was a cold day and that was a hard routine. Always a pleasure to lead!


  • Franklins MIL surgery
  • Sway and his college roommates tragic passing
  • Badlands and his friend James passing

Go out and be the good in the world. Also, lift up the 6 AND your shield lock!

See also