Tribute to the CHAMP

YHC got some sad news on Friday that one of my college buddies, Brian Champ, was admitted to ICU at UNC hospitals with a terminal condition. I went to visit him on Sunday morning and it really hit me hard to see him like this; knowing that barring a miracle, he would probably never wake up. It also troubled me a lot that we really hadn’t been in contact much over the past decade. So, I decided to dedicated a big part of my A-Team Q to Champ.


13 HIM gathered in the gloom outside the locked gates of Apex Community Park. I was especially impressed by those who turned up a day after running a half or full marathon. At precisely 5:45, we jogged into the park to the second parking lot for a quick warmup:

SSH, Good Mornings, Hillbillies, Sir Fazio Arm Circles (an A-Team favorite) with Overhead Claps thrown in, and 10 Burpees OYO

The Thang

Jogged back toward the entrance to the big parking lot for the CHAMP

Partner up.  Partners combine for a total of each exercise. Partner 1 runs around the lot while Partner 2 performs exercises.

C - Crabcakes (50)

H - Hand Release Merkins (100)

A - American Hammers (150)

M - Mountain Climbers (200)

P - Prisoner Squat (250)

On one of the jogs around the lot, I noticed the gate to the soccer field was unlocked and couldn’t resist the opportunity to move the fun to the rarely used turf.

Partner 1 - Balls to the Wall; Partner 2 - Run to the end of the field and back (Flapjack X 2)

Split into two groups and Bear Crawl Inch Worm across the field; Lunge Walk Back

Head back out to the parking lot for Mary.

LBCs, Dying Cockroach, Freddy Mercuries, Homer to Marge



Memorial Day convergence is being planned for Field of Dreams. It may start at 6:30 or 7:00 (or possibly Tuesday), but will include a 2ndF opportunity.

The Bull is happening sometime in the near future


Obviously, prayers for Champ and his family. Here is a link to a GoFundMe page that was set up for the family.

Prayers for:

Old Maid’s parents following eye surgery,

Pierogi’s friend Tim,

Pierogi’s upcoming travel,

Crablegs in South Wake dealing with ALS,

Kermit to find permanent, full-time employment,

Disco Duck’s M,

Others that I’m sure I missed.

Praises for everyone who ran Tobacco Road on Sunday, especially Michelob and his Boston qualification.

See also