Tribal 11's

It was another great steamy morning in Cary at the place in south Wake we call Waverly Place. There’s all sorts of good restaurants over there to choose, Enrigo, Tazikis, Gonza, Shake Shack, Chick-fi-La, but we didn’t come to eat. We showed up to run, at least I did. We had two FNG’s even join us for the fun.

On time start, mission, principles, disclaimer, pledge of allegiance, and let’s mosey!

We found our way over to the Whole Foods parking lot for some warmarama.


  • Good Mornings
  • SSH
  • Plank Jacks
  • Merkins
  • Short mosey to a bigger parking lot

Thang1 - Indian Run 11’s

PAX break into groups of fours. Starting at bottom of lot, first exercise the Bobby Hurley (start with 10) and at top diamond merkins. Indian runs between each exercises.

Thang2 - Four Corners

Corner 1 - Imperial Walkers

Corner 2 - Hillbillies

Corner 3 - Quick feet on the curb

Corner 4 - High knees

Sprint back down the lot to the flag and circle up for some MARY.

MARY: PAX call out

  • Homer to Marge
  • Low-slow flutter
  • Dying cockroach
  • LBC’s
  • Pete Chilcutt (hold for one minute)
  • Have a Nice Day!


15 PAX. We welcomed FNG Brady (Steeler’s fan of course, although he could have been a Jets fan, a Dolphins fan or an Atlanta Hawks fan) and FNG Pontoon (Mayflowers cousin-in-law).

Prayers for our country and the leaders and for all the schools and families.

No other announcements as Hermes was not there (yet). Hermes did show up for Escalator, where he led 6 PAX in Proverbs.

YHC took us out! Great work guys!

See also