Triangle Up

A pax of 3 showed up for a nice and relatively cool evening beatdown.  The two minute warning came and went, and after the Pledge of Allegiance we were moseying around the other side of the police station and office buildings for the following warm up exercises:

Warm up:

  • Good Evening
  • SSH
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Overhead Clap
  • Seal Clap
  • 10 Turkish Getups

Thang 1:

We moseyed across the street to the “lights circle” in front of the fidelity bank.  Where we did Irkins, Dirkins, WWII, and Prisoner Squats.  Then lunge walk around the circle, doing 10 jump lunges on each light we passed.  After that, Repeato, except we replaced the prisoner squats with Dips.  Then we bear crawled around the circle, doing plank jacks at every 3rd light we passed. 

Thang 2:

We then moseyed our way up the street toward the church, and did Alt. left right step ups and dips on the benches out front.

Thang 3:

We went right into Jacob’s Ladder on a series of stairs right by the church, 1 Jump Squat at the bottom of the stairs and 1 Burpee at the top.  Increased by one on each pass until we reached 7 on both.

After this we started moseying back to the small grassy area.  We had to wait a moment for the train to pass, so we did merkins until the track was clear. 


Each pax took a turn doing a round of pull ups while the other 2 pax did American Hammers AMRAP.  Then we planked it out as each did a 10 count around the triangle, then we did it again with a chill cut plank hold. 100’s to wrap it up.  Then feet in the fountain to finish it off.


YHC took us out!

See also