Travel'n Rock

Warm Up: Mosey down to the Sea of Booty and circle up for 10 x Good Mornings 10 x Windmills 10 x Imperial Walkers 20 x SSH 20 x MC’s 20 x M’uricans

Lil’ more mosey past HYC to the rock pile and grab a Travel’n Rock.

Carry your new bud over to the parking deck.

The Thang: 10 x Curls Carry the rock up the steps 10 Squats Carry the rock to the next stairwell 10 x Tricep Extensions Carry the rock down the stairs 10 x Shoulder Presses

Repeato’ (Anybody count how many reps total? If so then sound off. I’m guessing we did all of them.)

Do a victory lap sans rocks

Finish up with a little 10 x 8-count Rock Yo’ Body

Return rocks to the pile and mosey back to the parking lot.

20 x LBC’s

1 x Billy Run (Officiated by Banjo)


Mary: What’s that?


Convergence coming up with CarPex Churham gonna be good. Banjo is planting the shovel flag in new uncharted territories (hit him up about it)

BOM: Prayer Concerns: Cally taking the G-sat? Did I get that right? It’s seems like it was regarding on the job training. Unspoken Prayers YHC lead us in prayer

NMS: Gaining weight over winter has slowed me down so much. I can’t keep up. Work in progress.

I don’t have to leave Cary to get in a work out everyday. Now all I need to do is get my ass out of bed on the reg.

Thought of the day concerning F3 CarPex “If you build it. They will come.”

^ Yeah kinda Cheesy.

Only two more BB’s to type up so that I’m not a complete slacker in 2017! Or is it 3? Do we really need to see a Vesper BB?

A good problem to have. Having to hunt for a spot to Q and taking one weeks to a month down the road. It doesn’t seem like it was that far off when it felt like there were maybe 10 guys doing the bulk of the heavy lifting in regards to Q’ing. I think it really speaks to the Power of the Lord that He’s allowed F3 to grow so much in our area and overall. I think it speaks to the testament that you men are providing with not only creating work out sites but also growing and respecting the other 2 F’s Fellowship and Faith. Good work. Strong work. See you in the gloom.

See also