Traveling Pain Pills

AO: Phoenix

Twelve HIMs gathered this morning for some fun at Phoenix. Welcome brother Chum, who joined us from F3 Chapel Hill area. Here’s what we did.

Warm-up: Mosey to the upper lot, circle up for Good Mornings, Side Straddle Hops, Windmills… on cue, Callahan arrives late, again. Continue with Sir Fazio’s forward, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Sir Fazio’s reverse. Five penalty Burpees (thank you, Callahan). Finish up with Merkins and Mountain Climbers. Recover. Select a pain pill (CMU) from the truck and Mosey to the boathouse.

Thang 1: Partner up for a Dora with 100 Dips, 200 Merkins, 300 LBC’s, trade off running the pickle with a pain pill. Recover

Thang 2: Mosey with the pain pills to the amphitheater. In partners, first round partner 1 on stage does Kettle Bell Swings, partner 2 does Crawl Bear, Bear Crawl, Crawl Bear, Bear Crawl up and down the aisles. Switch. Round 2 is Lunge Walk and Rock Rows. Round 3 is Prisoner Run and Curls. Recover

Thang 3: Mosey with the pain pills to the Kiosk for Sevens starting with 6 Pulsing Squats at the bottom (teabag the pain pill three count, jump up on the fourth count = 1), run up the hill for a Burpee, repeato for Sevens.

Mosey with the pills back to the lot, drop ’em in the truck, run to the flag for a quick Have a Nice Day.

COT: Chum announced The Gambler II event 0730-noon April 6th in Durham (poker, workouts, followed by F2). Praises and prayers, YHC took us out.

Count-a-Rama: 12 (3 respects). Bayonne, Snots, Theisman, One Four, Open Out, Texas Ranger, Biner, Traffic Cone, Smokey, Callahan, Ollie, Chum

Thank you men for allowing me to lead you today. SYITG

See also