Travelin' Wilburys

Alright, listen up. Imabout tired of this early August weather IN OCTOBER. Be Fall already! Yes, I feel better now. Anyway, a great crowd of men assembled at the Mellinial Memorial Skate Park in the unseasonably warm and humid morning to get better. My guess is they did. Extra Credit: First person to tie a recent event to the title of this post wins a free cup of cheap coffee.


Jog over to the Apex Town Hall and circle up in the big grassy area for (and not necessarily in this order):

  • GM
  • SSH
  • O/H Arm Claps
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Merkins

The Thang

We did a little thing called Parking Lot Bingo (my words, not yours) ‘cept we traveled to do it. Starting with 5 burpees at the Town Hall parking lot, we traveled up Laura Duncan, across Apex Peakway, and back down Salem to Hunter and the skate park, stopping at parking lots for some escalating exercises. At each stop, we added an exercise and 5 reps to the repertoire. It looked something like this:

  • 5 burpees
  • 5 burpees + 10 merkins
  • 5 burpees + 10 merkins + 15 lunge jumps
  • 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 lunge jumps + 20 squats
  • 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 lunge jumps, 20 squats + 25 LBCs
  • 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 lunge jumps, 20 squats, 25 LBCs + 30 WW IIs
  • 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 lunge jumps, 20 squats, 25 LBCs, 30 WW IIs + 35 flutter kicks

Split into 2s and BTTW plank walk the length of the curved wall then circle up for Mary


  • Box Cutters
  • Hello Dollys
  • Merkins


Count-a-rama / Name-a-rama: 19 (3 RESPECTS, 16 mehs) Announcements: New Thursday AO at Mills Park Middle School launches 10/26 Prayers: M. Grease Monkey and her Dr. visit to Atlanta next week BOM: YHC took us out

See also