Trail to Eagle

[caption id="" align=“aligncenter” width=“134”] Eagle Scout[/caption]

YHC wanted to exemplify the Scout Motto and arrived a full 15 minutes early for Phoenix. Sadly, that’s about where “Being Prepared” ended for this end-of-the-Scout-week Q. Nevertheless, after a full week away from home, I was excited to share some of Scoutings, and in particular, the Eagle Ranks, more important numerical milestones.

Warm-Up - 21s

6:30 and peeps are still rolling in. Well, it’s time to go so mosey while the stragglers get their s*!% together. Then open up with a Pledge.

Get the shoulders a bit warmed up, 21x IC Sir Fazio’s with a mix of forward & backwards

21x IC Merkins

Mosey over to the main community center parking lot to get the legs moving

Finish up with 21x Smurf Jacks… as low as you can go.

Thangs - 21s & 18s

Pick a partner and get cozy. The two of you are getting your Eagle together.

#1: Four Corner Elevator

Partner carry to corner 1 & 11x merkins Bear crawl to corner 2 & add 11x star jumps Partner carry to corner 3 & add 11x LBCs Bear crawl to corner 4 & add 11x burpees Please

Mosey over to the ampitheater for:

#2: Partner Ramp Merkins

Bear crawl to the top of the ramps for 10x partner merkins, bear crawl down for 10x more Crab walk to the top of the ramps for 10x partner merkins, crab walk down for 10x more

Mosey over to the big shelter for:

#3: Benchwork

18x L/R step-ups 18x dips 18x urkins


Mosey over to the second big parking lot over by the boat ramp for some:

#4: Four Corner Elevator Leg Work

Partner carry to corner 1 & 11x squats Bear crawl to corner 2 & add 11x L/R lunges Partner carry to corner 3 & add 11x Hello Dolly Bear crawl to corner 4 & add 11x squat jumps Please

#5: Scout Run back to the Flag


10x merkins to round out the Merit Badge count

and finish up with flutter kicks and heels-to-heaven


  • 19 HIMs for Phoenix plus happy to have been joined by Spartan whose M joined FiA
  • Announcements (see slack for deets)
    • Crazy Train
    • Memorial Day Convergence
    • some other stuff
  • Prayers:
    • Texas Pete needs love and support. Send a prayer
    • Disco’s M got a job
    • Texas Ranger’s family needs some love and support


Thanks Sooey for organizing Scout Week for us. Great idea and awesome to see so many HIMs step up and lead. The Scouts helped form me and my love for the outdoors and I am grateful for the perseverance my parents showed in getting my younger self to stick with it.

“I was once a Boy Scout… I am always an Eagle Scout”

See also