Traffic Avoidance Failure

8 PAX, no FNGs and we are off

Mozy to BO launch area

Warm Up (brief)

SSH X 15

Hillbilly x 15

The Thang

Run through DTC looking for 5 parking lots or open spaces without much traffic to do the following


Full BodyLegsChestCore
210Burpees15Monkey Humpers20Standard25Starfish Crunch
315Burpees20Jump Squats25HR30Freddie Mercs
420Burpees25Squats30Wide Grip35Starfish Crunch


Occasionally stopping to do derkins or planks


Hammers IC x 30


Carpex picnic tentatively re-scheduled for Oct 13

Odyssey Oct 20


Captain Kirk’s Mom


Excited that DD put out a feeler for a replacement Q and YHC was available. Mildly concerned that we wouldn’t have anyone show up, but Ollie announced that he would be there, so I knew we would have a workout. It was awesome to have 8 show up.

Mojo has some wheels!

Rush Hour lived up to its name as there was tons of traffic. I need to plan a route that doesn’t involve crossing the street so often next time I Q here.

Called on all of the newer guys to lead various sets of exercises and they all nailed it. Captain Kirk likes to call merkins slowly.

35 Starfish Crunches was ambitious. Called a break at 19 to let the pax (and Q) regain form. We did finish them up.

Solid 2nd F followed at Bond Brothers. Kermit was planning for his VQ at Phoenix and we were not shy about giving him pointers.

Theismann toying with the idea of a pub crawl workout for Rush Hour. I think I like it

See also