Tractor Pull

In the several years that I have been doing this thing we affectionately call a cult F3, one of its best features is how it thrusts you into such close proximity to some pretty remarkable men. Showing up day after day to this cult fellowship is the embodiment of the adage that if you want to be successful, identify successful people and follow their examples. Think about it, no other region that I’ve posted in (just Churham) even comes close to the number of kick-a$$ respects we host on any random weekday. I mean, I don’t just wish to be able to do what Ma Bell or Biner do when I’m 50, I wish I could do it now. Then there’s Franklin’s hair, Shut-In’s patience, Nature Boy’s tights, Swag (no superlative necessary), Callahan’s incoherence, Frisco’s voices, Sky Blue’s accent, Hermes’s’s’s Blue Ridge evangelism, Oofta’s casseroles, Joe Smith’s musical genius, Term Paper’s congenial-ness (it’s a word), Flip Flop’s excitement, Burt’s chatter, and Saban’s time-keeping. If you aren’t mentioned here, it is most likely an inadvertent oversight, but may also be that 1) you’re not that interesting or 2) you are that interesting but I don’t really like you. And then, there’s the grand-daddy (or Franklin’s daddy - “On second thought, let’s not go to Flying Circus, ’tis a silly place”) of them all, Riptide’s Qs. His Qs are so legendary that he doesn’t even have to show up for them to be epic…which he didn’t…to Wolverine…last week. How to fill the aching hole in the soul of the PAX? I think I know a way.  What would Riptide do? Well, I have this old pallet in my garage…

Beaker’s Beginnings (The Warm-up)

Jog around the lot to the basketball court and circle up for

25x accelerating SSH

10x windmills

15x imperial walkers

10x good mornings

10 each of forward and reverse sir fazio arm circles

Jog back out to the playground for 10 pull-ups each with all PAX except PBX waiting in plank for their turn.  Count off 1s and 2s (a perfect 7 and 7) and remember your number, then jog out to the footpath where a pallet and ruck were conveniently stashed in a dark (errrr…….dark-er) part of the AO.

Beaker’s Beatdown (The Thang)

Plan was one team (the 2s) would pull the sled, with a single PAX planking on the sled while wearing the ruck.  When the PAX or the planker fatigued, rotate until the sled had completed the entire lap.  The other team (the 1s) would jog to each corner and perform 5x burpees, 10x merkins, 15x squats, and 20x LBCs.  After the first lap, flapjack the teams.  After the second lap, we re-united as one big happy PAX for a third and final lap.

Beaker’s Bellies (The Mary)

After the third lap, we returned to the shovel flag and Adopted-a-Spot for some Hussein-Bolt style Mary.  Call an exercise and circle the spot.  American Hammers, LBCs, Side-plank-star-crunch-thingys, Peter Parkers, Parker Peters all featured.

Beaker’s Benediction (The COT)



10/20 Odyssey

New Franklin-approved launch time for AO-Th-BH of 0530

Two new AOs launching soon (Gran Turino and Back in Black)

Prayers: Unspoken

YHC took us out by asking the Lord to provide us the courage and strength it requires to be salt and light to a very dark and broken world.

Beaker’s BS (The NMS)

All kidding aside, there are truly sum HIMly men in this group and it is an honor to head out into the gloom with y’all, Riptide included.  He laid a beatdown on us a Flying Circus last week that took me until Sunday to recover from

A different kind of beatdown than the one he claims to have laid on Callahan

American Hammers are better when the PAX sings Hammer-time in three-part harmony

BOGO wore a watch

Quotable: “I love the smell of smoldering hardwood in the morning”  You’re welcome Callahan.

Biner almost didn’t have a turn riding the sled, hence the third lap

Callahan enjoyed riding the sled.  Pulling it…not so much

Acceptable alternative F3 names for Hi-Liter now include Hi-Beam, Lite-Bright, Spot-Liter, and Chad

Wolverine is almost as gloomy as Danger Zone, but without the sand, but with the fire ants

See also