Tour de Salem

Perhaps in anticipation of getting back to work…nah…getting out in the 13 degree gloom…maybe…Qing FMJ for the first time, YHC got out early and ran round and round Salem Pond to warm up, arriving right on time as the rest of the PAX arrived and…sat in their cars. Finally coaxing the little darlings from their comfy confines, it was time to go. Or close enough; it’s cold!


Couple trips around the little parking lot, then stop at the trail head for:

  • 20 x Merkins IC
  • 20 x SSH IC
  • 8 x Alternating Lunges IC
  • 10 x Sir Fazio Arm Circles IC
  • 10 x O/H Claps IC
  • 5 x Good Mornings IC

The Thang 1

Partner up for some catch-me-if-you-can around aforementioned pond path. Alternating 5 x Prisoner Squats, run to catch partner, and jog.

The Thang 2

Light Pole Bingo around the school. At each light pole stop and do alternating sets of Merkins and LBCs, Starting with 35 Merkins and 5 LBCs, decrease the 3 of Merkins by 5 and increasing the # of LBCs by 5 until you hit 5 Merkins and 35 LBCs on the last 2 poles. When you finish, circle back and pick up the six. We did the last 35 LBCs together. Mosey over near the basketball court and find a picnic table for:

  • 20 Dips IC
  • 15 x Alternating L/R Step-Ups IC
  • 10 x Derkins IC

Mosey to the basketball court for a suicide. Squat hold for 5 count down the line.

The Thang 3

Continue le Tour by jogging toward the front of the school past the playground and over to a nice hill YHC discovered during recon the previous day. Plank-a-rama while we wait for the 6. Line up at the bottom of the hill for Esau’s Ladder. Starting with 2 reps and increasing by 2 each time, do hand release burpees at the top and knee tuck jumps at the bottom up to 10 reps. This was a killer; the hill is steep. Finish up with a nice jog back across the front of both schools to the flag.


YHC underestimated the time it would take for Light Pole Bingo and the Esau’s Ladder so we had plenty of time left for some ab work, starting with a speed round of:

  • 10 x Flutter Kicks IC
  • 10 x Hello Dollys IC
  • 10 x Heels to Heaven IC
  • 20 x American Hammers IC


  • 30 x Freddy Meruries IC (led by McCants)
  • 20 x Home to Marge IC (led by Shank)


Count-a-rama: 10 Maggots Name-a-rama: 2 RESPECTS, 7 mehs, 1 Hate Announcements: 4 weeks away from the K2C. Arena is moving to Pullen for a pre-K2C workout at 0630. Another option is our traditional CarPEX pre-K2C Murph, also at Pullen. Prayers: A Peaceful 2018 BOM: YHC took us out


  • This was a working man’s crowd. Not a ton of mumble chatter, though I did hear some teeth chattering
  • YHC earned a camouflage F3 cousie for Qing FMJ. Thanks, Shank!
  • Thanks for working hard and following my lead, men. It was an honor and a pleasure to fellowship with you this morning at the best AO on a Tuesday straddling the Cary / Apex border and starting at 0530!

See also